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Y/n and Bucky's first major test for their trip was the airport. Airports had extremely high security, if they could get through this, it would be smooth sailing.

After being dropped off at the airport by a 'taxi' (which was actually Okoye pretending to be the driver), the pair were on their own.

They had used their cosmetic enhancers to alter their appearances to resemble a retired couple, which caused quite a bit of laughter in the 'taxi', but it was extremely effective. Bucky's hair and beard were grey, with his hair tucked up into his cap to make it seem shorter. Y/n's hair was also grey, but most of it was hidden by the big sun hat that sat atop her head. They both had a few wrinkles here and there, and their eye colours had been changed to something completely different just in case. Now it was time for y/n and Bucky to play their parts.

Seeing the inside of an airport was a weird experience for y/n. She had never been on a normal flight before. Between the shipping containers, Hydra-owned jets, and the quinjet, this would be her first time on her public flight. And she was nervous. Extremely excited too, but it was all brand new to her. So that added on to the fact that they were undercover was a lot of pressure.

Everything seemed to be going smooth until it came to passing through security. Almost all eyes were on them, and every guard was armed.

Y/n was sure that their identities were hidden enough, but it was such a big risk. Her heart felt as if it were beating out of her chest as she stood beside Bucky in the queue. What if Shuri's tech faltered when they passed through the metal detectors? What if the hidden weapons in their luggage had been found? So many things that she was unsure of, yet a gentle hand on her shoulder seemed to ground her back into reality.

Bucky knew that y/n was stressed. He was too. He'd already scanned the area for the best ways of escape, and had figured out where every single camera was. But they had to keep calm. However, it wasn't like Bucky could comfort her like he wanted to. He had to stay in character. "How many airports have we been through, Darlene?" He asked, making his voice breathier with a tinge of New Jersey to match his character. "So many! I can't believe you're still nervous." He chuckled, pressing a loving kiss to y/n's cheek.

Y/n let out an exasperated sigh, forcing a fond smile on her face as she glanced over at Bucky. "I know, I know. But it's still scary! What if they think I'm a criminal?" She stressed, completely staying in character. She turned to completely face Bucky, straightening out his shirt for him. They were in typical tourist attire, completely playing the part.

Bucky rolled his eyes with a chuckle, but before he could respond, a man in front of them turned around with a smile. "I doubt they'd arrest someone like you, darlin'. They've probably got their eyes on that couple over there. I doubt that's even a real baby." He murmured with a chuckle, motioning toward a young couple closer to the front of the line. The man wasn't a nice guy. He wasn't a nice guy at all. The only reason why he had that suspicion was because the couple were speaking another language.

As soon as the man spoke, Bucky quickly reached down to squeeze y/n's hand to stop her from reacting. They had to stay in character. "See? Why would they try and arrest someone that likes to knit sweaters for every dog on our street?" He chuckled, squeezing y/n's hand again so she'd laugh along. But, as soon as the man turned back around, y/n's smile dropped.

She knew that they had to stay in character. She knew. But y/n wasn't going to let that slide. She wasn't going to let a racist old man ruin a young family's holiday, especially when he was joking that their baby was probably a bomb. If he wanted to make a poor family uncomfortable, he had to expect to get the same back.

Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, casually leaning into Bucky's arm. Her eyes stayed completely fixed on the man in front of them. "How much longer 'til our flight, Fred? I can't wait to sit down." She hummed, yet it was obvious that she wasn't actually interested in the conversation. Y/n was simply making small talk as a distraction. Bucky wanted them to stay in character, but she wasn't going to let that man get away with it.

So, as y/n and Bucky continued their small talk, y/n focused on slowly adding and removing things from the man's backpack. Using Wanda's powers were risky, especially in such a public place, but it was worth it in y/n's mind. At first it started out with little things, like taking out candy bars and zipping and unzipping the bag, but she soon grew more confident. Y/n slowly worked on taking out his passport and boarding ticket, burning them into thin air as soon as they left the bag. Then she decided to put even more salt into the wound by slipping one of the guards' handguns into the man's bag. A petty move, but one that y/n believed was well deserved. Now he would get questioned at security, and probably arrested after having no passport, no boarding pass, and in possession of a weapon. Easy.

And that was exactly how it played out.

The pair soon got through security, and y/n continued to make random elderly lady small talk as they strolled toward the food courts. The man's voice echoed as he screamed and yelled, getting arrested by many of the guards after what y/n did. A small smirk appeared on Bucky's face at all of the yelling. He squeezed y/n's hand, stopping her from rambling on for a moment. "You're terrible, y'know." He murmured in his own voice.

Y/n's eyes widened slightly as Bucky broke character, glancing over at him with a proud smile. She wasn't sure how he knew that it was her, but she wasn't surprised. "He deserved it."

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