Biology Quiz and Karaoke

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The art class came pretty soon that I thought and all my excitement converted to nervousness. When the teacher called our names, I slowly got up and went to the front of the class. I guess Carter saw my nervousness. He gave me one of those assuring looks and I immediately felt good. Am I sired to him or something? I questioned myself. I shrugged that thought and waited for the teacher to give us a sign to start the presentation.

"Actually guys, I decided to give this project a twist." Mrs White said and my eyes widened in surprise. I was already tense about the presentation and this announcement was not helping it.
"I gave you guys this project in pair for one other reason. You will be explaining the other person's project so I will know if you really worked together or not." She finished and motioned for us to start. Good thing is I know about Carter and I am hoping enough for me to explain his art.

Carter put his canvas in front of the class and I have to admit, it was beautiful. He painted himself in his usual clothes on the top of the canvas and four versions of him were standing horizontally, sorrounding him. One of them looked carefree, one looked like a child, one was sad and one was romantic. But they all looked lonely and were looking ahead where there was a person hiding in the shadow. Only her head was visible but it wasn't detailed. I knew what he was trying to indicate.

"Carter is trying to show different versions of himself. He maintains different personalities and hides his real self from the world because he doesn't trust others. He wants to be happy and he feels that the only way to do that is to keep his different personalities with him because he feels safe with them. He feels free with them. But the real him is putting his hand out as if to reach someone in the shadow. A female. He feels that maybe she is worth his real self. He feels that he can open up to her but her face is not detailed which means he is still not sure if she is the one." I finished and looked at Carter for approval. He was looking at me in surprise and his mouth opened and closed to say something but nothing came out. I considered that as a win.

"That was very insightful Ms. Claire. Good work! Now Mr. Grayson, if you may?" She asked Carter but he was still looking at me with admiration. I cleared my throat and he snapped out of his daydream. He looked at me in confusion and I signalled him towards Mrs. White.

"Your interpretation of Ms. Claire's work?" She said and he nodded eagerly. He saw my work and studied for a minute.

"Olivia believes in herself. She knows that she is strong yet elegant. She likes her life to be full of surprises and adventures. She hates monotonous stuff and she keeps changing her hobbies so things remain interesting. She likes her life. She likes all the obstacles she had to face because that just made her tougher. Even though she is who she is now, there is a little part in her that wants things to go back to normal. She is fully aware that people love the idea of her but they don't know her. She seems confused in her painting which means she doesn't even know who she is or what kind of a person she wants to be. She is searching for herself." He completed and honestly even I didn't think that much about it but he was right. Everything he said was right. I gaped at him and he winked.

"You guys worked really well. I can see you did your project in pair and I am impressed. Thank you, Mr. Grayson Ms. Claire." Mrs. White said and we went to our seats. I didn't say anything to him during the whole class and as soon as the bell rang, we made our way to the cafeteria walking side by side.

"I don't like that you know so much about me." I said not looking at him. It's true. I like my walls up high and I hate that someone as untrustworthy as Carter has already broke much of it down.
"Well, then don't give away yourself so easily." He said chuckling.
"So it means either you are comfortable with me knowing you so well or I read your painting wrong?" I asked and he smirked.
"You read everything right sweetheart but missed the most important detail of all." He said and went in the cafeteria to our friends before I could grill him anymore.

The Badass NerdOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora