Soft Tunes and Snores like a Whale

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I have been trying to sleep for an hour now but I guess sleep doesn't want me. I kept shuffling and because of that I kept waking Emma as well who was trying so hard to sleep. She is tired and I can sense that she was getting irritated because of me. I sighed and got up. Maybe a little air could help me sleep, I thought. I nudged Emma a little and her eyes barely opened.

"I am going out on the beach for a while, I am taking my phone with me. Okay?" I whispered so I don't wake others up. She made a soft humming noise and slowly opened the door to not make any noise. When the closed the door behind me, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I walked outside the hotel humming a soft random tune. When the reached the ocean, I took my boots off and sat down looking at the peaceful night sky. I kept my feet close to the ocean so the waves were touching me now and then and I lied down on the sand looking up at the stars. I kept my hands on the back of my head to make a nice pillow and thought about various random stuff. My mind from thinking about what mom would be doing right now, to how crappy my dad is to my past relationships. Chain of thoughts is truly real, I guess.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard a familiar voice and I saw Carter standing right next to me looking at me intently. I sat up and he took his place beside me not taking his eyes off me.
"About my past relationships." I said and looked back at the ocean.
"What about it?" He asked and I studied him for a moment. It's not like I have anything to hide from him or I am embarrassed of my past. But letting someone about stuff that goes in my head only is a bit foreign to me.
"Well, I was thinking I had three partners until now and I was just analyzing the kind of guy I want to spend my life with and the kind of guy that I want to date in the near future."
"And I have a fair picture of the guy I want to spend the rest of my life but I still don't know anything about the fling."
"The fling?" He asked clearly amused.
"You know, the guy who obviously know is not going to be a part of the future but fun to have in present." 
"Like a bad boy?" He asked and smirked. I knew what was going on in his head but I desperately wanted to clear his thoughts. While I was lying, I realized I hardly had any time for myself. And I was leading Carter on all this time. I didn't want to hurt him the way I hurt Taylor. That would literally be the worst possible scenario.
"Like a bad boy. But not right now." I said and he furrowed his brows in confusion. I sighed and looked back at the ocean.
"Between these three relationships, I never had time for myself. My first relationship lasted for a year, I guess. Second relationship lasted for two years and third one was for an year. In between all these stuff, I was only single for like three months. I never game myself time, I never pampered myself, I have forgotten how does it feel to be single again and I miss that. I missed this, you know? Not caring about anyone but myself." I explained.
"So, you miss being selfish." He said and chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"You know what I mean." I said and he nodded.
"I guess that sounds fair. I don't know what happened in those relationships of yours but I do know that you are this tough and smart and mature only because you have been hurt many times. You wanna take a break from all this and just be yourself for a while. You just want to focus on yourself and you want people to know you by what you do and not by being someone else's girlfriend." He said and I looked at him, my eyes wide.
"That was surprisingly insightful." I said and he chuckled. For a few moments we sat there in silence just looking ahead. I enjoyed this calmness and by the look on his face, I bet he liked it as well.
"What are you doing here at the middle of the night though?" I asked him after some time and he got startled. He seemed to be in some deep thought and I shouldn't have disturbed him but what's done is done.
"Oh, Noah snores like a whale and Mark was hitting me in his sleep. I was lying in middle so I didn't get any sleep. I decided to get some fresh air, I thought maybe it will help me sleep. Why are you up though?" 
"Couldn't sleep and was continuously shuffling. I thought I will wake others up so I decided to walk a bit."
"You were sitting when I came."
"Yeah, I am lazy." I said and he laughed.
"That you are." He said and I laughed with him. 
"So, do you have any past girlfriends?" I asked him after a while and he chuckled.
"Just one and you already met her." He said and I blushed.
"Ah! Beck. By the way, apologizes for that day. I saw her taking a toll on you and I was like, 'Bitch leave him alone or I will bury you alive!'" I said in a furious voice and he laughed his heart out. His full laugh felt like music to my ears and I smiled at the sight. I never saw him laugh like this and my heart made a back flip knowing that I was the one who made him happy like this.
"That impression was pretty good. And also, no need for apology. You were amazing. I froze up when I saw her and all those fond memories I had with her flashed in front of me. I had no response to what she was saying and although I knew that getting back together with her was bad news, it just felt so good seeing her that I wasn't openly able to say I didn't want to be with her anymore." He explained and I nodded.
"It's only fair man. I don't expect you to fully be in control of you mind and your actions. It's understandable." I said and he smiled at me.
"You know Halloween is coming up, right?" He asked me and I groaned and lied down looking at the stars.
"Not a fan of Halloween?" He said and did the same but looking at me instead.
"Nah! I don't know, I just don't like it." I said and he hummed in response. 
"I think you will like this one." He said and I shifted myself to look at him properly.
"You mean?" I asked and he smiled suspiciously.
"You will know." He winked at me. I wanted to bug him further but I was too tired for it. I yawned for the third time and he chuckled.
"Want to go back?" He asked me and I nodded slowly. We both stood up cleaning the sand that was stuck to our asses. I took my boots in hand and walked towards our hotel. As soon as I reached my room, I lied back on my spot and immediately slept.

"Wake up Liv!!" I heard a very female voice. I groaned and flipped one cushion at the owner of the voice and put another cushion on my head to block the noise. A few moments of peace later, my blanket and cushion were rudely snatched from me and someone else hit me on my face with another cushion. I sat up irritated looking at my next victims to see Mark and Carter grinning at me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked and pushed the strands of hair away from my face. 
"We are all already ready and we are just waiting for you to get up as well." Noah said and I frowned.
"Argh, fine." I said and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. We all went out and decided to have something to eat first as everyone was starving. After that, we went to the beach. I thought we would just be chilling there, playing volleyball and stuff but little did I know they had other plans. I was just walking on the sand when I heard Mark calling me from a distance. They were standing in front of some small shop and we jogged towards it, my eyes widened in horror.

"NO NO NO. NO I AM SO NOT DOING THIS." I said and Mark and Chris smirked at me. 
"Everyone is and so are you." Chris said and I glared at him.

Ten minutes and ten falls later, I was still trying to balance myself on the surfboard.
"Okay, I am going to let go now." Carter said and my eyes widened in shock.
"No!! Don't leave me in this death bed." I said and he rolled his eyes. Okay, I might have been over dramatic here but I really am afraid of falling. It took me ages to learn how to ride a bicycle and from there came my fear of falling. It was hard for me to learn how to drive a bike but it was worth it. This however, is not.
"You ride a bike." He said and I cursed under my breath. He had a good point. He let go of me and I balanced myself on the wave somehow. I kept my hands out to make sure I have as much balance as possible. Just as I thought, I did it, a huge wave came in and I slipped on the surfboard falling straight into the ocean. I resurfaced and groaned for the eleventh time. 
"Look, I think it's pretty clear that I can't do this. So let's save the embarrassment and let me go." I said and Carter chuckled. 
"You really hate failing, don't you?" He said and pouted. I looked around and saw Ashley surfing confidently on one of the bigger waves. I looked at her in aw and cheered for her. When she came back to the shore, I ran towards her.
"When did you learn how to surf?" I asked her and she chuckled.
"I didn't. Noah just taught me basics. It's pretty easy." She said and pouted.
"Not easy enough." I said and groaned. She laughed and went back to the waves. Carter and Noah followed her and I decided to sit back on my chair and just enjoy the view. I hardly get any time to go on trips like these and I am going to savor this for as long as I can.


It's what I imagined going out on trips with friends would be like. Lemme know how accurate I was ;)

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