Irresistible Body and Library Aisle

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"Guys, I need to pee." Mark said for the fifth time  in the last half hour. And since we are in no hurry whatsoever, we have stopped at four places already because of Mark.
"Dude you are this close to filling a swimming pool with your pee. We are not stopping now. Hold it." Carter said and I laughed.
"Yeah, you are right. I am gonna hold it." He said sat back down.

*Five seconds later*

"Yeah, no guys I really need to pee." Mark said and Emma smacked his head.
"Pee in the wind." I said.
"Okay." Mark said and started  unzipping. We all looked at each other in horror.
"STOP!" All three of us said in unison and Mark stopped whatever horrifying thing he was going to do which was my idea, although it was a joke. We stopped again and waited till Mark finished his stuff. I turned the radio on and put a One Direction song, Little Things. Mark came pretty soon but I guess not soon enough for Emma.

"What took you so long?" She asked.
"Hey! I have a small bladder and I drink a lot. Apologies for staying hydrated." He said while getting in the car and we laughed. 
"Play Willow next." Carter said while looking ahead and looked at him in surprise. 
"You listen to Taylor Swift?" I asked him and he nodded his head.
"I love her. You don't?"
"I just think she is very cliché."
"Taylor was right. Some people just hate hate hate hate hate." He said while singing and smacked his head.
"Why do you girls love violence so much!?" Carter said while massaging his head where I hit him and I and Emma laughed.
"Because Mark taught me. It's his fault." I said pointing at him and he jerked up. I guess he was halfway through his sleep when he heard his name.
"Hey! I taught you for self defense dude."
"Yeah I wanna know this story. Liv mentioned this when we first went out to eat but she never gave me any details." Carter said and looked at Mark through the back mirror.
"I and Olivia are childhood friends. We used to spend all the time together. I don't even remember when we first met. We just sort of connected. She taught me how to cook and how to ride a bike and I taught her basic fighting skills. We used go on jogging in he morning then have some milkshakes at a small shop. I even spent all my time in her shop helping her make new recipes." Mark explained a fond memory flashed in front of me.
"Hey Mark, remember when we thought that we love spicy food and we love chocolate desserts so we decided to blend them in?" I asked and Carter looked at me in horror.
"You didn't!" He said and I chuckled.
"We absolutely did. We made a very spicy chocolate cookie..."
"And she shoved it down my throat because I was her Guinea pig." Mark said and huffed.
"Hey you don't complain when I let you taste good stuff like mint cookies." 
"Point. Anyway those cookies were a disaster. We had to eat like five pastries to get that dreaded taste off our mouths." Mark said and gagged. 
"I am glad I was given a good recipe to taste. I mean that mousse was awesome." Carter said and Mark gaped at me.
"You let him taste your new recipe? And you didn't even tell me about it?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't be overly dramatic. I didn't ask you because you were busy." I said and looked at Emma who was looking outside clearly uninterested with the conversation. When Mark realized what I was talking about, he blushed and shook his head.
"Yeah kay, point taken but when will get to try it?" He said and shuffled through my bag to take out the mousse I packed earlier. 
"Right now?" I said and gave him the box with a spoon. He gladly took it from me and started shoving it. That caught Emma's attention and they both ate like they haven't had food in a long time. I looked at Carter and he was laughing at Mark and Emma.
"You don't want?" I asked and he briefly looked at me before focusing on the road again.
"Uh.. no offense but I don't like chocolates that much." He said and scratched the back of his neck. 
"None taken. I don't like it either." I said and looked at me with surprise.
"But you work in a bakery." I rolled my eyes.
"Welcome to the irony of life. I love cooking but that doesn't mean I like all kinds of food. A chef doesn't necessary needs to be a foodie." I said and he nodded thoughtfully.
"Damn! That was good Liv. Do you have some more?" Mark said and I laughed at him.
"No, that's all for today." I said and he pouted. 

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