Chapter 20

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I thrusted Shirley into the bike rack, tightening my hands over my backpack straps and marching to the door. My feet pounded against the ground, and not only did I not remember the last time I entered the school with that amount of urgency, I didn't think others did, either. I could feel heads turning, watching curiously as the town's murderer - town's angry murderer - marched for her next kill. 

And it was true; I was on the hunt for Justin. 

I passed my locker, making my way to his. Down the long row of gaudy yellow metal, my eyes zeroed in. Adrenaline cursed through my veins, my heart thumping rhythmically with every step I took. Who did he think he was, telling people we were dating? Boy, wait till Dr. Yao hears this one. No more excuses or sympathy for him. 

"Penny?" someone said my name, but the blood pumping was too thick and fast in my ears to allow me perfect hearing capability. I kept walking, but it was repeated. "Penny? What's wrong?" Jess suddenly caught up to me, jogging a little to catch up and stay at my walking speed. 

"Can't talk," I said. She grabbed me, yanking my arm to a stop. "Hey!" 

"Where you going?" She peered closer. "You have this crazy look in your eye. Are you trying to find Justin?" Our conversation from last night replayed in my head. 

"I need to shut down this rumor. Now." 

"Well," she moved her iced coffee from one hand to the other, "maybe try to do it without looking like a crazy person." Jess looked around her, leaning closer and whispering, "People are staring." 

"Staring? At me?" I put a hand to my heart. "I'll never survive." 

Jess rolled her eyes, slapping my arm. "Shut up. Plus, I heard the soccer team has been going in for early practices. He's probably in the athletic center." I stared, un-wavered. "At the other end of the school." 

"Okay," I nodded curtly, turning on my heel and heading in that direction. Guess I'd be late for English that morning, but I was stopped again. 

"You are not going into the locker room," Jess said. "I won't let you do that." The warning bell rang, signaling we had a few minutes to get to class. 

I scowled at the ceiling, irritated. "I'm losing time." 

"You are not going into the boy's locker room to find Justin," she said, and just when she did, a junior passed us and said, "Ow Ow, Penny Brooks keep it in your pants!" before laughing and dabbing up his friends, convinced they were world-class comedians."

Jess held up her finger, turning to me and throwing an arm around my shoulder. "We're gonna go to English, and then I'll see you at lunch. You can talk to him then." I sighed, the tangle of anticipation settling in my tummy. 

"Fine," I said. "But I'm not going to concentrate on anything until then." She laughed, and we walked to class. 

"So I have to ask," she started, eyeing me. "Since when do you care what people think about you? Especially if it's someone thinking you have a boyfriend." Hampton. Because Hampton told me that I was the girl he turned down Annie for, delivered chocolate-covered potato chips to me on my front steps like a perfect, chivalrous romance movie, but then burst the bubble by congratulating me on a boyfriend I didn't know I had. 

I looked at her, contemplating on spilling the beans but knowing I had to. She was my best friend, and she called it from the first day. "If I tell you, you can't tell me that you told me so. Or freak out and cause a scene." 

"I'm pretty sure your Walk Of Destruction this morning has already caused a scene," Jess took a sip of her coffee, swallowing loudly. "Spill." I looked around us, stopping right before entering our classroom, and pulled her close to me. In her ear, I whispered his name. That was enough details for the time being. 

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