Chapter 10

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We both jumped, the once-muffled music now blasting through the open door. 

"Oh, sorry," Aaron Blackford, a senior who I've known since seventh grade biology, stopped. His drunk gaze settled on my face, realization slowly sweeping over his own. "Party-Penny! I haven't seen you at one of these since-"

I rushed forward, brushing past him and into the hallway. It was even stuffier than before, with people milling around and laughing at things that probably weren't even that funny. 

I had to get out of there. 

People started to notice the commotion, the bathroom light cutting the dimness in the hallway. 

A hand rested on my bare shoulder. I whipped around, finding Hampton. 

He searched my face, his hand still on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" 

I wanted to answer, "No. I'm not okay," but I didn't. Instead I gave a quick nod. I couldn't waste any more time. Annie would find me soon. 

"Penny?" Justin suddenly emerged from the crowd. He looked at Hampton's hand on my shoulder, his expression turning hard. 

"Justin, hey," Hampton took his hand from my shoulder, dabbing him up. So, they were friends. Justin's gaze was glued on me. I dropped my head. 

"What are you doing here?" Justin asked, looking genuinely interested in my answer. Or hoping to catch me in a lie. 

"I came with Jess." Jess was nowhere to be found, so that helped. 

He only nodded, accepting it.

"Here," Hampton put up a finger, stopping a girl who was passing us. He said something in her ear, her face turning bright pink - it was even visible in the darkness. He pointed to her glass, where she nodded quickly and handed him her drink. She headed back to the kitchen. 

So, what? He's asking girls for their drinks now? 

"Take this." The solo cup was handed to me. 

"I don't-"

"She doesn't-"

Justin and I started at the same time, Hampton looking between the two of us. 

"I don't drink," I said. 

He shrugged. "Take it anyway. You'll look less vulnerable." The way he said it, the way it came across - it was presented as a means of...protecting me?

Justin bit his lip, and I could tell it was killing him. What, "it," was, I wasn't so sure. 

Hampton and I held each other's eyes, like he was tempting me to cross a line I had set for myself. Or a line that had been set for me by Royal high. 

I took the drink, holding it a few inches from my chest. I nodded a thank you, and he returned the nod. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Annie stepped between us, and the quickness in the change of vibes gave me whiplash. 

"Annie, back off." Justin gave an attempt in saving me, but as per usual, had nothing against Annie. Even when we were dating. 

She stepped closer to me. "Makes sense you decided to come here. Of all places." 

I swallowed, looking her dead in the eye. 

She eyed the drink in my hand, giving a short laugh. "Feeling homesick, Penny?" 

Before I could even think of a response, she slapped the drink out of my hand. It fell to the ground, silenced by the banging music.

Hampton suddenly stepped around her, whispering in her ear. The two of them together - they looked perfect. It made sense she already managed to sink her claws in him. 

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