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Kokichi's POV:

       Shuichi falls asleep on my lap, holding onto me tightly. I stroke his hair while staring at the ceiling. That flash back really ruined my mood. At least it's over now. Shuichi loves me enough to kill for me... It didn't matter that it was my own father, he still killed him. I never would've thought anyone would love me enough to kill someone for me.

"Kichi, go to sleep, it's past midnight." Shuichi mumbles tiredly from my lap. He moves his head a little bit before getting more comfortable. I smile a little bit at how cute Shuichi is when he's tired. I lay back a little bit more, getting more comfortable so that I can fall asleep.

I rest my hand on Shuichi's head as I close my eyes.

I try to sleep for about an hour, but my thought have other plans. My thoughts swarm my head, causing me to spiral out of my mind. I glance at the clock to see the clock about to strike two.

"Love, why are you so worked up? Your heart beat is so fast that it woke me up." Shuichi comments, sitting up. I look over at Shuichi before hugging him. "Shh, it's alright." Shuichi soothes me. I just hold onto him, trying to relieve my anxiety attack. Shuichi pulls me back down on the bed, holding me close.

"I really hate that you go through this." Shuichi says, pity in his tone. Shuichi lays his head on my shoulder, draping his leg over my legs, holding me like he's a koala and I'm a tree.

I hold his head on my shoulder, smiling slightly. Shuichi honestly makes me feel better.


A few days go by, things have been quiet ever since I revealed Maki's identity. We aren't on speaking terms, but it is what it is. I don't need the assassin on my side when I have Shuichi. He took down Maki psychologically and that's the only rational way to kill a killer right? Especially in these trials. If you wanna catch the killer, you corner them psychologically to uncover their blanket of lies.

The dining hall is silent. Everyone is staying in their trusted huddles. Shuichi and myself sit with Miu, Angie, Gonta, and Kiibo. Shuichi seems to be wary of them, but I know for a fact we can trust Gonta and Miu.

Awkward silence fills the table as we all pick at our food. I lean my head on Shuichi, feeling sleepy from lack of activity. "That's it! Stop being so goddamn quiet!" Miu exclaims at all of us. The loud voice makes me jump, dropping my fork. "Wake up!"

"I am up!" I retort, picking up my fork. Miu lets out a dramatic sigh before slamming her head down on the table.

"Come on, people! Stop moping and get your fuckin' shit together!" Miu exclaims to everyone in the cafeteria. I inhale sharply, being caught off guard.

"Get your fucking shit together, Kokichi, or next time I won't be so nice!" My father shouts in my face. I shrink back before watching my father's fist come up, ready to bash into my skull.

"He's only fourteen! You cannot hurt our son like this!" A woman, who looks exactly like me, exclaims walking into the room, holding my father back from lashing out on me.

"Why, not?! The bastard deserves it!"

"No he fucking doesn't! Get out!" My mother screams. In the blink of an eyes, he slapped her in the face.

I exhale equally as deeply, coming back to reality. I jolt forward a little bit, and the action alerts Shuichi. "Are you alright, Kokichi?" Shuichi asks me. I stare blankly at the table. No... I just watched my own fucking mother get smacked by my father, but he doesn't need to know that right now.

"Not now." I mumble, slumping against his side. Miu continues ranting to whole cafeteria that someone needs to start talking or something, I don't even pay attention anymore. The only thoughts in my head are about my mother. How did I kill her if my father was the abusive one? I guess I could always ask Shuichi about it, but I'd rather not have to ask, honestly. It really seems like a hard topi-.

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