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Pov Todorokies






Oh God (Atua), when will it end? Why is he here? Why can't he go talk to someone else like anyone except me? There are so many people here and he chooses to pick me.'


I felt a sudden grip on my tail. "Gotcha" was all I heard before I slapped the hand off my tail. The hand retreated and went to the Alphas' chest, comforting their hand. "T-Todorki, why'd you do that?" Mirdoryia whimpered. "I told you to stop a long time ago. You chose to agitate me." I kept my eyes on the yellow caterpillar. It's weird some things have been bugging me for the last 20 minutes. Why wasn't the teacher here yet? I looked back at the Caterpillar again. It seemed to be moving.


It was all I could do before there was a large amount of dominant Alpha pheromones in the air. A lot of us started coughing and started to turn our heads to the source. There was a grown man with the embodiment of anger on his face. Everyone didn't even bother to show any signs of guilt when pointing their fingers at Midoryia, who was behind me shivering.

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