+ chapter seven +

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Project X

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© 2015 Luna Black


Alexa leaned over the counter, breathing in deeply and waited until her cramp disappeared before grabbing the bowl for the fruits. That morning she woke up with a craving for a fruit smoothie and toast with butter.

Everything was going well until her cramps decided to return. She woke up earlier than Xander too, so she couldn't ask him to work his magic on her.

After they talked about Corah and his life, they stayed up a little longer before she fell asleep. She didn't even remember Xander picking her up to take her to the bed; she just woke up tucked in and warm.

She dumped the washed strawberries in the blender and added kiwi slices. Then a bit of milk and sugar and the smoothie mix. She also learned that whenever she wanted a grocery item, she could order it from Xander's computer-table.

He had taught her that she simply needed to press her hand against the corner of the table and wait for it to recognise her handprint. Then, she could order whatever she pleased and a robot would deliver it.

After being in the house alone for so long, she knew where everything was at. There wasn't much to do and she would grow bored of the TV at times.

"Good morning," Xander entered the kitchen, looking completely awake. "What are you doing?"

"Smoothie," she muttered, growing irritated with the blender for having so many useless buttons.

He chuckled, walking around the counter and pressed the "on" button. "You have to turn it on for it to function."

She glared at him. "It just doesn't like me."

"That is definitely the reason," he laughed, grabbing a bottled water from the fridge.

She grinned at his response and said, "You want some?"

"What are the flavours?" He tilted his head to look around her and said, "Strawberry and kiwi?"

"Yup," she nodded, waiting until the ice was small enough to drink and then tasted it to see if it needed any more. Alexa pursed her lips, not knowing if it was good enough and then scooped some with a spoon. "Does it need more sugar?"

She held it out for him to taste, but Xander looked at her strangely. She laughed, grabbing his chin and pulled him closer to the spoon. He opened his mouth, still looking at her as if she were crazy and then relaxed his face at the sweet taste. "That tastes great."

"So, it doesn't need any more sugar?"

"I do not believe so; too much sugar could be bad for you."

Alexa rolled her eyes, smiling as she poured some into cups for them and said, "Too much of anything is bad for you. Here, do you want some toast with butter?"

"Sure," he nodded, taking their cups to the kitchen table and helped her with the bread. She was considerably short; the bread was way out of her reach.

"Thank you," she took it and placed four slices in the toaster, not giving it enough time to burn. She wanted them to be toasty with a golden colour; not brown. After they were done she grabbed the butter from the fridge and sat across from him. "Here you go."

They spread butter on their toast quietly and she grimaced, feeling another cramp begin to crush her insides. He looked at her and surprised her as he walked towards her and pressed his hand against her stomach again.

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