+ chapter twenty-five +

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Project X

All Rights Reserved

© 2015 Luna Black


"W-what?" Alexa stuttered as the sound of shutters going off began to increase. Panicked questions were thrown at them as the paparazzi desperately tried to figure out what was happening. "How do you know?"

Xander grimaced, still holding on to his side and said, "The General is linked to his second-in-command, so that if anything like this occurred, he would know. I-I believe he is not dead for I can feel his energy, but it will only be a matter of minutes before he is gone. I need to leave."

She nodded, blinking rapidly as she tried to absorb the news. It still didn't process in her mind; the General had been attacked. Who could be stupid enough to even try and take him down?!


"Alexa," The gorgeous Alien before her cleared his throat, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and sadness, "this could mean war; if it was one of your people. They have made their move; ours is next."

Her two front teeth dug deeply into her bottom lip as nerves wracked through her body and she took a deep breath. "I'm on your side," she whispered.

Xander smiled, sliding his fingers down her jaw and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "You will not be involved in this. I must go now; I have wasted enough time as it is."

"Wait!" She grabbed his arm, "Take me with you!"

"I cannot," he shook his head, trying to gently pry her fingers off his bicep, "this is now a warzone, Alexa; I cannot risk your-"

She placed her hand over his mouth and said, "I'm going with you; that's final."

He opened his mouth to say no once more, but decided against it and sighed in defeat. The entire world watched with wide eyes as Xander and Alexa disappeared before them, a sliver of white light blinding the spot they were at.

Alexa blinked quickly, trying to adjust her mind and frowned at the scene before her. Xander let out a feral growl, pushing her behind him as he sensed something that she didn't and she glanced down at the fallen General.

He was holding unto his chest, a mixture of dark red blood and saliva oozed from his mouth as he lay on his side. "X-Xander," he coughed, grimacing at the pain it caused him to speak, "we need to talk."

"Who did this, Sir?" His eyes were pitch black as he pressed Alexa's back against the wall as he continued pushing his back into her chest. "And where is Trent?"

"That is not important right now," he groaned, "I need to tell you something before I die."

Xander glowered at him, then heard a soft – almost inaudible – sound coming from the other room. They were currently in the General's office and the only furniture present was his silver desk. "Show yourself!"

"Xander!" The General spoke with authority, but he didn't listen.

"Alexa," Xander turned his head slightly to the side to whisper to her, "check his wounds and," he spoke louder, "tell her what you need to tell me, General."

He coughed, groaning as the dagger in his heart moved whenever he spoke and urgently said, "It has to do with Corah."

Xander froze, staring at him with a strange emotion in his eyes, but another noise echoed throughout the house and he recognised the scent of the intruder. "Tell Alexa; after I finish this, she will tell me."

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