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Jungkook : Hey, how
are you feeling today.

You : Hi.

You : All good.

Jungkook : It's Sunday.
Are you going out?

You : Not really

Jungkook : Wanna
meet up at the cafe
near our school?

You : Not really,
maybe some other day.

Jungkook : Is it
because you are not
feeling like or you
don't want to show

You : I don't want
to show myself.

Jungkook : it's okay.
I will wait.

You : thanks.

Jungkook : so bye.

You : bye.


<Jungkook's phone>

Taehyung : hey

Jungkook : hey

Taehyung : Lmao
are you still mad at
me? I didn't sort out
the partners for the
projects you know

Jungkook : But the
teacher paired you
up with her.... and
that doesn't make
me happy.

Taehyung : I am
not taking her away
from you XD!

Taehyung : and you
should take this as an
opportunity, if I get to
be her friend, you can
be close to her and I can
fix the things between
you two.

Jungkook : yeah whatever.

Taehyung : why are
you being so corny?
I didn't choose my
partner, the teachers

Jungkook : I hate
them for this.

Jungkook : if I got
the chance to pair
up with her then it
would have been
my best project ever
..... but they paired me
with Kihyun!

Taehyung : it's called life XD

Jungkook : and
it's unfair :(

Taehyung : yaah
stop it already.

Jungkook : okay,
but I am still sad.

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