texting 41 + sports event

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3rd Update of the day.....

You walked along the small gallery of your school's sport's field. It was the main event and common students were allowed to watched the soccer match. Just like the rest of the students you came to cheer for the school team in general, but you came specifically for Jungkook.

Other times you really ignored any events, it was your first time joining the crowd and that too for Jungkook. You picked a small slogan that were being distributed for free at the stalls. There were really sweet and cheerful messages written in them.

Your eyes moved on the field until you spotted the school team, Jungkook standing in the middle. He looked tensed, you wished the best for him.

His eyes moved through the people in the gallery until it met yours. He paused for a moment and you didn't hesitate to give him a smile, he smiled back and then looked down. He looked like he was worried about something, maybe anxious about the sports.

Next chapter coming soon

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