texting 61

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A lot happened in these 3 weeks so it was not possible to give an update. I will finish this real soon.

You : You will be
having your practices
from tomorrow right?

Jungkook : Yeah...

You : So I have to
walk back alone...

Jungkook : I will ask
the teacher for a break.

Jungkook : I will drop
you and then go back
again and join the practice.

You : Are you crazy???
You will he exhausted.

You : focus on your
practice, there's no
need to walk me home
everyday, I can go back

Jungkook : Okay...

Jungkook : You are
not angry right?

You : No... why would
I be angry?

Jungkook : I got busy
with the sports team....
so maybe you are angry
for that?

You : No why would
I be angry for that?

You : You need some
sleep Kook, you are
imagining stuff..

Jungkook : I just didn't
want you to get mad at
me.... I kinda overthink...

You : Next time
something bothers
you... just ask me
directly. Overthinking
isn't good I know myself.

Jungkook : Okay :)

Jungkook : What are
you doing though?

You : Nothing much,
just had my dinner
and now preparing
to sleep.

You : Though I am
not sleepy at all...

You : Did you have
your dinner?

Jungkook : Yes.

Jungkook : I am trying
to sleep too, but I am
not sleepy at all...

Jungkook : Guess we
can talk for a while...

You : Yes it would
be nice...

Jungkook : Is it lonely
to live on your own?

You : Sometimes but
it's better than living
with my parents.

Jungkook : What do
you do when you feel

You : I text you :)

Jungkook : And when
I am not there?

You : Watch a show,
blast music, scroll
through internet...

Jungkook : You have
no one to talk to other
than me right?

You : I never had
many to talk to when
you were not there.
Back at that house I
had no one to talk to

You : You have many
people to talk to right?

Jungkook : I do, that's
why I wonder how
you feel...

You : I don't really
feel anything, just
like you are neutral
to talking to people,
I am neutral to not
talking to anyone.

Jungkook : Opposites.

Jungkook : They attract ;)

You : Sure they do

Jungkook : Can I stay
at your place for a day
or two after the Interschool
preliminary matches
are done?

You : After the game
we have the class tests :)

Jungkook : Oh shit!
I forgot!

Jungkook : I will be
doomed if I fail.

Jungkook : Help Me pass
those please.

You : Don't tell me
you want to cheat
from me again.

Jungkook : Geez no!

Jungkook : What kind
of a man cheats from
his girlfriend....

Jungkook : You can
help me with the study
part... tutor me after
the match?

You : That sounds

Jungkook : Yep!

Jungkook : Umm...
so goodnight, I have
practice tomorrow.

You : Good night ♡

Jungkook : OMG YOU

Jungkook : ❤❤❤❤❤

You : It's okay Jungkook,
you can stop...

Jungkook : I STILL CAN'T

Jungkook : take all my love!

You : Go to sleep babyyyy

Jungkook : Awwwieeeee

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