Our angle is here

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"I am going to get the guys, wait here." Noah said.

I nodded and held onto my belly.

I was already getting contractions!

"It's ok Amelia." Dhalia assured.

Seconds later, Damon,Max,and Francis came running down the stairs. Max and Francis had our baby bag that we packed.

Damon rushed to my side and cupped my cheeks.

"Baby, are you ok?" He asked

Obviously not caption Sherlock.

I shook my head no.

We started walking towards the front door, I was holding onto Dhalia and Damon for balance, and I was walking pretty slow if I say so myself.


"Ow fuck!" I said crouching down.

Damon pulled me back up.

"Don't worry, it's gonna be over soon." He said kissing my head.


"AHHHHHH!" I screamed.

Luna is very eager to get out I see.

I kept on pushing while I was squeezing Damon and Francis's hands, I was squeezing Dhalia's, but I 'hurt' her hand.

As if.

"I'm never having sex with you again Damon, look what you did to me." I sobbed.

"It's ok baby." He said.

"One more big push!" The doctor said.

I took a deep breath.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. I stopped pushing, there was dead silence.

I shot my head up at the doctor and looked at him through my tears eyes.

Then there it was.

Luna was finally crying.

Our angle is here

I smiled in relief and looked at her. The doctor gave her to me and I cried.

God I was so happy.

"Your so beautiful." I whispered.

I lightly kissed her forehead and looked at Damon who had tears in his eyes.

Luna was still crying when the doctor took her away.

Damon followed the doctor and did, well I don't know what they did.

I looked at Francis out of breath. "You did so good Amelia, she's beautiful."

I chuckled and sighed.

Going through this pain was so worth it.

The door opened revealing Dhalia smiling. "I called Alex and Johnny, and Ma dad and Olivia, and they are all on their way." She announced.

I smiled.

Damon came back over with Luna and stood next to me.

He stared at her with so much love. He kissed her forehead and handed her back over to me.

She stopped crying and was now sleeping holding onto Damon's thumb.

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and gave me a passionate kiss. "I love you kitten." He murmured against my lips.

I giggled then kissed him again. "I love you too."


After a few hours Alex and Johnny showed up. Then like 2 hours after that, Rosalie, Damon's father and Olivia showed up.

Everyone got to hold her, only for a little cause Damon took her out of their arms after like 5 seconds. He's already so protective over her. The doctor showed me how I would breast feed Luna which pissed Damon off cause the doctor was instructing me what to do, he had to look at my boobs watching to see if Luna would latch on which thankfully she did. And luckily no-one else saw my boobs, Damon made everyone leave the room cause he 'doesn't want people to see what's his' which is stupid.

Then he talked to the doctor outside which scared him off, and now their is a female doctor who is nice but Damon still doesn't like her cause, I don't know why.


Everyone went home and now it was just me Damon and Luna in the hospital room with a few security guards around the area. I was laying on Damon's chest with Luna sleeping on his chest to.

I was admiring her.

I looked up at him to see that he was doing the same thing I was, I cupped his cheek which made him look at me and he smiled. I pecked his lips then his cheek.

"I can't wait to marry you." I whispered.

He only smirked then kissed me. I laid back down on his chest kissed Luna's forehead. She shuffled a little, I smiled.

Francis's POV:

"Ok so we have a outfit for Luna picked out and we will bring it tomorrow ok?" I told Johnny.

He was so cute and excited. I mean so was everyone else here. We got to see our niece!

But that also got me thinking.

What if me and Noah also want kids? Does he want kids.

I mean I know I do, I love him, but I also love the idea of having kids with him.

"Hey Dal, can you and max prep some food for Damon and Amelia so that we can bring them breakfast tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." She smiled.

Dhalia and Max looked really cute together. And Dhalia looks so much happier with him to.

Everyone finally looks happy.

Damon's POV:

I was watching kitten and Luna sleep. They looked so peaceful.

My two girls.

I had been studying Luna's features for hours now, she has my eyes.

It was so cute when she opened her eyes a few hours ago. She looked so confused and tired. But her perfect green eyes.

Then kitten tried to make her laugh which only made me laugh which made Luna laugh. They are perfect.

Now only a matter of time before I get married to kitten.

Only a few months away.

My eyes started to become heavy. So I carefully took Luna and placed her in the little baby bed thing next to ours and kissed her cheek. I got back in bed with kitten and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight beautiful." I murmured.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

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