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Yuji held his hand out to me , in attempt to help me up but I just slapped it away and ran out of the room.

I ran down the hallway not even looking back. I also bumped into people and didn't even bother saying sorry or checking if they were okay .

I found a bench near the sports field and just sat there covering my face. I felt like a loser and a wimp for what I had just done.
Yuji probably wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. He would think that I was just a useless girl who follows him around and acts weird.
Whenever I got like this I would think of all the happy memories I had. Most of them were with my Family . I thought of my sister. Although we would argue sometimes she was the only person I could talk to freely and share my problems with.

She was twelve years old and I was seven at that time. During the cold nights of December we were glued to the TV late in the night. I was curled up in my warm blanket with a cup of hot coco by my side . There were empty boxes which had Christmas decorations in them as the holiday was approaching . My older sister was covered head to toe in warm clothing. Although she had a slim physique she looked as if she weighed over 200 pounds due to the excessive amount of clothing she was wearing . She was in control of the  remote and was switching channels continuously.
' Come on Harumi , won't you find us a good movie already' I complained.
' I want us to watch something that's age appropriate for you little kid' she said.
' But im not that little, I'm seven  and a  half years old now.'
' meh , same difference' she replied .
I just stayed silent , looking at the titles of the movies she was browsing.
' how about that one ' I said innocently .
'nah , it's lame,'
' how about that one' I said again .
My sister spat out the beverage she was drinking when she read the title of the movie I had pointed out to ,which was obviously intimate. I just stared at her confused.
' You know late night movies can be quite uhhhh.. you know.... inappropriate for kids your age. Yeah, inappropriate, that's the word ' she said . I could feel the awkward atmosphere so I just  replied with a simple 'ok' . She finally found a movie that was acceptable. The story line was quite interesting . It was about a girl and a boy who fell inlove on a Christmas  night and knew nothing about each other . The movie was all about them trying to find each other . All was going well until a kissing scene came at the end. Harumi quickly covered my eyes as she was trying to shield my innocence.
' Heyyy!!!' I exclaimed.
' Don't you want to get some presents from  Santa this year ?' she asked.
' of course I do!!' I cried back.
' Kids who watch other people kissing in movies are automatically added to Santa's naughty list' she warned.
' Really ? I didn't know that!' I pouted at her folding my arms.
' Believe what you want , but don't say I didn't warn you ' she said back.
' Ok then... Let's watch Cartoons!!' I shouted with a very bright expression on my face.
My sister groaned, instantly regretting what she had said . Before we could do anything, my mom suddenly barged in . Her sleep had been disturbed by the noise we were making . When she got in she saw that i was soundly sleeping and the same with my sister.   She turned the TV off and returned to her bedroom. My sister and I were gigling fits at what had just happened. We couldn't stop laughing. Just then my mother entered .
' You mischievous children ' she stated grumpily.
She pulled us back to our room . We couldn't stop laughing and were causing a ruckus in our house . The night was long with occasional ' keep quiet's' from mother.
When morning came we were fast asleep due to the sleepless night we had just experienced.

I smiled at the memory I had just recaptured . I felt as if I had just re-lived that night . It was a strange feeling indeed. All my problems , stresses and worries suddenly disappeared and I felt so I alive . I was enjoying all the emotions I felt during that night.
'ahhhh , that's the feeling ' I sighed to myself.
' the .... Feeling??' I could hear someone speaking .

' Yeah' I replied the person with a stupid smile on my face.
After a few seconds of silence I  recognised who's voice it was. It was YUUJI!!.

' Yuuji! ' I practically screamed out his name.

' You seem to be enjoying yourself out here , you know (y/n) you could've just said so if you didn't want to join our club'

'no ,it's not  like that !!' I covered my face hiding the red colour on my cheeks.

' Well, Sasaki told me everything ' he sent a wide grin at me.

' Everything?!!'  I exclaimed, wondering if Sasaki had actually told him EVERYTHING.
' yes she did' he smirked at me.

I began to blush harder than before. Sweat began to drip from my forehead and I felt some intense  heat all over my body. My body was getting giddy. Different kinds of scenarios ran through my head in just mere seconds and all of them ended with Yuuji leaving me heartbroken. Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes , I was going to have a breakdown again. I forced them back because I didn't want Yuuji to think that I was weak.

' I didn't know you liked me that much
(Y/n)' he said , looking more serious than before.
OMFG!!!!!!! Sasaki did tell him everything.

' W..w-what are you saying I-Itadori ' I stuttered , calling him by his last name which I did when I was nervous . 

'You know what I'm talking about' he spoke looking straight ahead .

' o-of c-course I l..like you Yuuji , you're m-my best friend ' I stuttered.

' Is that so ? You only see me as your best friend huh?' he questioned.

' Y-yuuji ' I softly muttered , looking directly into his eyes which were focused on a distant object.

Was he trying to push me to confess my feelings for him.
I know I'm not yet ready for this but I was gonna do it . After multiple choices of words ran in my head , I finally got the courage to say it to him. I kinda.
' Y-Yuuji .... I.....y-yuuji.... I ...Yuuji I lo...' I was cut by a loud laugh .

' Ha ha ha ha , I can't believe it (y/n) , you actually fell for that  ' he spoke with laughs in-between.
Yuuji was laughing his head off as I glared at him in disbelief . Was he serious, did he actually.......
I felt kinda  hurt inside . Part of me was glad it was just a joke but the other part was hurt.

' of course it was'  I giggled at how dumb I was .

Yuuji took this as an opportunity to take in (y/n)'s facial features. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Her shiny (h/c) hair bounced as she softly giggled . His eyes trailed off to her pink lips that looked absolutely perfect . He felt like removing her index finger from her lower lip and make-out with her .
The feeling of longing to want (y/n) was what Yuuji hated the most when he got closer to her . He felt as if he was not good enough for her and that he was just a dirtbag scum . Of course Yuuji hided his feelings for (y/n) really well but he wondered how long he could keep the act up .

Yuuji's daze was disrupted by the final school bell which meant we could go home.

' we should head back now' Yuuji smiled at me.

' yeah , let's get our bags ' I replied and we walked back to our clubroom  hand in hand .

AN: She was originally gonna cry and run away but then I thought she'd be too much of a baby . Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and im working on the next one .

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