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'Hmm , we should be meeting here right?,' I asked myself as I stared at the building in front of me. Our school pretty much looked innocent during the day, but at night it radiated a completely different aura.

'Why am I always the first one to arrive at these meet ups anyway,' I cursed under my breath and began to move my foot up and down impatiently.

'In a horror movie I'd probably be the one that discovers the danger and gets killed first,' the thought drove an eerie feeling inside of me.

I turned my cellphone light on and wore a confident mask into the school. Though I was crazy scared, I knew that Yuuji would arrive soon and everything would be okay. That's the way it's been eversince elementary school . Whenever I got bullied or mistreated in any way Yuuji would step in and save the day since he was always stronger than most of our peers.

I walked in the classroom and saw exactly what I expected , noone . So I sat near the table and thought back to today's events as I waited for my new friends.

Before Yuuji and I headed home , we first went to the clubroom to get our stuff. The other club members were still there and I took an opportunity to properly introduce myself.

'My name is (L/N) (Y/N) and its nice to officially meet you,' I said as I was visibly nervous. Behind stood Yuuji who was staring at me like a proud mother would.
I glanced up at the two infront of me in anticipation as I had no clue of how they'd react. They both introduced themselves and seemed surprisingly ...happy .

'So you aren't mad at me?' I asked as I looked up at them like a sad puppy.

'No , no , no of course not! You're welcome to be here! ' Sasaki stepped closer to me with a mischievous grin on her face and whispered into my ear.

' I won't tell your crushie here anything' which caused my face to flash instantly.

Looking back , aside from the drama at the occult club, my day was pretty normal. I sighed lightly when I reached the door to the clubroom.
As expected noone was there when I opened the door so I had to wait for what felt like hours for the others. I had this feeling of unease , as if someone or something was watching me and I heard the sound of glass shattering. Before I could process it the door banged open causing me to shriek and jump out of my seat.

'Jeez , calm down, it's just us,' the pair from before entered as Sasaki struggled to contain her laughter.

'It's not funny,' I pouted angrily.

'Don't worry , I won't tell your boyfriend about it,' she spoke jokingly as she continued to laugh.

'Whatever , where's Yuuji anyway'

'So you're not gonna deny that he's your boyfriend,' she gasped as if she had just heard the juciest gossip in school.
'I'm totally gonna tease you guys later about that'

'That's not what we're here for Sasaki,' Iguchi said.

'Umm, about that...' I interrupted fiddling with my fingers 'I feel like we shouldn't be doing this ... Something bad is gonna happen' . Though I spoke in a way that would make it seem as if I knew the upcoming events , my gut was telling me to stay away from the weird object we had picked in a Stevenson screen.

'This is what our club is for (Y/N), don't worry, were prepared for anything ' Sasaki said as she proudly smiled.
Somehow what she said brought a spec of comfort inside me though I couldn't shake out the eerie feeling residing in me.

' Now let's wait for your lover boy' she said and I looked at her.

' But didn't you hear the glass breaking?, Should we check it out?' I asked whilst fiddling with my fingers.

' We didn't hear anything , right Igu ' Sasaki glanced at Iguchi and he just hummed in response.

' You see, it was probably just your ears messing with ya , anyways Itadori will be here soon' I just slowly nodded my head at Sasaki's words but still couldn't take your mind of the sound I had heard earlier. It felt so....real.

I waited and waited but Yuji didn't ever seem to come. The three of us decided to open the weird looking object by yourselves without Yuji though I protested at first. I was scared that if something bad were to happen Yuji would be right there to protect us but Sasaki told me to stand up for myself and be independent. I wanted change in my life and have the ability to protect myself without the help of someone else. Though I was still worried that what if something bad happened to Yuji.

' I can't get it open ' Sasaki spoke as she was was working on the object.

' Let me try ' I said as I took possession of the weird looking thing.

' Is this worth going to school in the middle of the night? I'm gonna turn the lights on'

' No, it gives the right atmosphere '

Iguchi responded with a sigh as he returned to his seat whilst I was still trying to open the damned thing. I almost gave up before the bandaged object unwrapped and Sasaki immediately took it from me.

' My courtesy ' she spoke with a smile but I could tell she was scared and I gulped. She began to unwrap the object which was taking quite a while since the bandages were long. When the object was finally uncovered fear immediately struck me. It was a long, wrinkled, purple looking finger with black nails. The others thought it was plastic but I knew it was far from that.
I covered my mouth in order to avoid puking my guts out and shut my eyes.

'Y/N-' Sasaki was cut by the lights going off.

' What's happening' Iguchi spoke and we all heard growling outside the door.
I opened my eyes only to see an abomination that made my insides turn and question my sanity.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I promise to update frequently if I get the time since school is holding me by the neck(ب_ب).

~Author Chan♡(> ਊ <)♡


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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