Itadori x Reader: Art🌸

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(I know Itadori doesn't paint or anything but the idea of him drawing you is SO FREAKING CUTE)

You followed your boyfriend Itadori to his room as he was so excited to paint you. You hurried through the halls, holding hands as his excitement grew bigger and bigger. "You're gonna look so beautiful, Y/n!", he said as he unlocked his room door and led you inside. You giggled, "You've always been so good at drawing, I'm really excited.". He turned to you with a smile plastered on his face. You sat on his bed as he looked for his supplies, "Is there anything I can help with?", you asked him as he gathered his things. He turned to you with pure joy and excitement on his face, you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen and the thought of making a piece of art of something so mesmerizing made his heart almost burst.

"Hmmm... no it's alright, I've got everything!", he said as he dragged his small table in front of the bed, facing you. You laughed at how hurried he was, knowing his excitement was what was making him rush to set up. "So what kind of drawing are we taking about?", you said as you took off your jacket. He pulled a seat up behind his table, taking off his jacket as well as his shirt so he would be comfortable, "I'm thinking of using watercolors. And for the type of drawing, it can be whatever you want. I'm just happy you're letting me draw you at all...", he said as his cheeks slightly turned red. You giggled, he was so cute when he complimented you, always turning red. You got up and kissed him on the cheek and pulled away smiling. He smiled at you before pulling you from the back of your neck into another kiss. He cupped your face for a few seconds before pulling away, his eyes glowing as a grin grew on his face.

"I know what I'm gonna do.", he said, pulling away and beginning to sketch on his paper. Your eyes widen, "Don't I have to pose?", you said in confusion. "Nope, but I love looking at your pretty face so feel free.", he said as he looked up at you smiling as he slouched on his table. You laughed, "Alright, I'll just... sit here.", you said, sitting on his bed, watching him draw you. You never watched his paper as he drew because you both like surprises, but you loved watching him. He is rarely focused on anything except when it came to you and fighting, so watching him calmly focus on something he loved, was warming to you. You loved the way he bit his lip as he figured out what to do next, you loved the way he'd play with his pencil as he looked at his progress, and you loved when he looked at you smiling, knowing that you were going to love his drawings no matter what.

After about an hour or so, Itadori leaned back, looking at his finished work with a smile on his face. You were playing on your phone for the last ten minutes or so before you looked up at him, realizing he was finished. You smile as you sprung up off the bed, "How does it look?", you asked. He looked at you, "Come see, babe.", he said. You went over and stood next to him as he turned the paper over for you to look. You covered your mouth which opened wide in awe, he drew a portrait of you blushing with his hand on your cheek. "It's so beautiful, Yuji...", you said as you held it in your hand as you kept the other on your face. He blushed as he wrapped his hand around your waist, placing you on his lap. "When you pulled away, I realized that my favorite view of you was having you in my grasp and seeing your beautiful face in front of me.", he said as you turned to face him while he reached his hand out to put your hair behind your ear.

You gave him a warm smile... "Yuji... I love you... so much.", you said to him, resting your forehead on his. He kissed you, "I love you more.", he said before kissing you again. You pulled away, placing the drawing on his table, turning to straddle him. He looked up at you with a smile before you kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. He began leaving kisses on your neck as you threw your hair back, putting more of your skin on display. He trailed kisses from your neck until he reached just above your chest before looking up at you, "You... are so beautiful.".

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