(Yandere) Toji x Reader: Mine Pt. 2 (🌶)

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"Are you okay, dove? Don't tell me you're that sore.", I heard the man say from the other side of the door.

I fidgeted with my fingers- my heart pounding as I began to come up with theories in my head of why Satoru's phone could be here. "Uh... I'm just- I'm just gonna take a shower. I feel really sore and tired you know?", I said, louder than I intended. He chuckled, "Just shower in the morning... we're not done.", he responded as he turned the door knob. I panicked and reached for the phone but he already saw me stumble. He looked at me with a smirk, "What are you really doing?", he said as he reached for my hand. "NOTHING!", I said as I pushed past him.

"I uh have work in the morning so I have to go.", I said as I quickly tried to put the phone in my purse without him noticing. "Let me see your hand.", he said as he came up to me. I looked at him as I shoved the phone in my purse which he snatched as I was closing it. "TOJI!", I yelled as I tried to yank my purse back.

He opened the purse and slowly brought out the shattered phone. He looked at me with an unreadable look on his face... was it relief? Panic? I looked at him, waiting for a response but he just sighed. "I knew I was forgetting something.", he simply said before placing my purse down. I looked at him in disbelief, does this man not realize what I just found out??? "Why is his phone here Toji?", I asked him sternly. His lips turned upward in the slightest bit, if I wasn't so attentive in the moment, I wouldn't even have noticed. "You already know the answer to that, Y/n.", he responded, maintaining eye contact.

"You didn't..."

"I did."

I felt my heart pounding inside of my chest, taking in the undeniable fact that Satoru Gojo... was dead. "You're a murderer...", I said as I gathered my things in a frenzy. "Murderer is such a negative word. I think I just took care of the things getting in my way.", he said as he leaned on the bed frame. I looked up at him in pure shock, "Do you hear yourself right now?? You sound fucking crazy! He's not just an object you can throw away... what is wrong with you?!", I choked out, realizing I was in the same room as a murderer. That's when it hit me, what if he did this to the others...

He sighed, "Just relax, Y/n. At least listen to me.". "Did you do this to the others?", I asked him. He grinned, telling me all I need to know. I put on my sneakers and stood up, before he placed his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him before he wiped away the tears I didn't even know were flowing out of me. "I did it because I love you. And they don't deserve you. I'm the only one who should be with you and you know it.", he said to me, placing kisses on my face. I tried pushing him away but failed because he's so much bigger than me, "T-Toji... don't touch me....", I managed to say.

"Come on baby, you know you're meant to be with me. You're mine.", he cooed as he rubbed my back, pulling me into him. "You... k-killed them...", I cried as I sunk into him. "They're not dead.", he said causing me to look up at him quickly. He smiled down at me and held my hand. He led me down his hall and out of his home. "Where are we going?", I asked him. "To pay our friends a visit.", he said as he let me into his car.

We soon ended up in an abandoned building that was locked shut in an isolated area. He let me in and took me down to an underground area, unlocking the door to the room. I heard shuffles and groaning in the dark before Toji turned on a lantern. My eyes widened and I let out a gasp at the sight in front of me. "Oh, looks like two of them are dead... sorry for lying, my love.", he said as he walked over to two men I was supposed to meet- their bodies lifeless, beaten to a pulp- unrecognizable. Around them were more men badly beaten, barely alive. That's when I saw him. His blue eyes looked up to mine, silently crying out for help. "Sato...", I said as I approached him.

I felt Toji's hands on me, "Aht Aht, no touching. Unless you wanna join me.", he said pointing over at multiple weapons laid out. "What is wrong with you...", I cried. "What? I haven't even done anything to him yet.", he pouted. "Look, I brought you here because I trust you and I want you to see just how much I love you. I do all of this so that you and I can be together.", he said as he wrapped his arms around me. "No.".

I looked up at him, "You're fucking crazy Toji. I'm calling the cops, you psychopath.", I said as I pushed him off of me. "No you're not.", he said as he grabbed my wrist. "Let me go, Toji, I'm not playing with you.", I yelled at him. "I can't let you do that. Then we won't be together.".

"I don't want to be with you!", I yelled.

"You don't know what you want.".

"Let GO!", I yelled as I tried to free myself if his hold before he grabbed me by the neck and held me close to him. "Please don't make me be rough with you.", he pleaded. I whimpered under him, look over at Satoru who was tied up with cloth all over his mouth, blessing from his head. The man in front of me turned my head to make me face him, "don't look at him, look at me. I'm the only one who you should look at.", he demanded. "Fuck you.", I spat in his face and pushed myself out of his hands causing me to fall on the ground.

He grunted as I quickly got up and sprinted towards the door. I ran through, making it up the stairs and and onto the ground floor. "Y/n, don't do this.", I heard the man quickly nearing me. I kept running until I was outside and saw his car, I ran towards the car and yanked open the drivers door. Looking around for a spare key, I found nothing. My heart began racing as I heard the car unlock itself. I'm so fucking stupid... he calmly opened the door and I looked up at him with uncontrollable tears running down my face. "T-Toji... w-why...?", I cried.

He pulled me out of the car, "I can't let you leave my love.",  he said as he carried me in his arms, walking back into the warehouse. I punches his chest, trying to free myself, I can't let him win. I can't. "HELP", I screamed as loud as I possibly could. "No one can help you, Y/n."

"You're mine.".

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