Geto x Reader: We Can't (Modern) Pt. 1 🌶/⛓

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(Don't be mad at me pls)

"Why so late?", I asked my fiancé of a year as he put on his coat. He turned to me smiling, "Because, after the meeting, they want to go out for dinner. But I promise that I'll be home as soon as possible.", he said as he walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I frowned, "You're just never home, Satoru...", I said as I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead, "I know love, I'm sorry. But I gotta go okay.", he said as he made his way to the door. Suguru, our butler came into the hall and leaned on the wall. "Your keys, Gojo.", he said as he handed them to my fiancé. He took them and turned to me smiling, "Hey, Suguru is here with you, you'll entertain yourselves okay?".

I turned my back and Satoru sighed before opening the door and leaving. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Suguru. Sato took him in when he was having money problems since they'd been best friends since they were in high school. You can say anything about Sato, but he gave him a job when he needed it, and that's a real friend.

"What would you like for dinner?", he asked me with a soft smile. I sighed, "Let's make some pasta.", I said as I walked to the kitchen with him following behind me. He opened the fridge as I got the ingredients we needed, he set some shrimp in the sink as he turned to me smiling. I gave him a small smile back. He began taking off his long sleeved shirt, leaving him in his tank top and proceeded to put up his hair. I put my hair up as well before I washed my hands, I just don't understand... why does he lie? "Y/n...", I heard Suguru say to me. I hummed. "I'm sorry about him... you deserve better.", he said before reaching for a cutting board.

I sighed, "I just don't understand why he lies to me...", I said, reaching for a knife and beginning to cut the mushrooms I was going to use for the pasta. "Between you and I... I don't trust him. He's my best friend but, I don't like him with you.", he said as he stood behind me, cutting with his hand in mine. "Suguru...", I said as I stopped the two of us. "What do you think he's doing right now?". He rubbed his thumb on my hand, "Don't think like that, Y/n. You'll only stress yourself out, let's just make dinner for the two of us, and then we can watch a movie.", he said. I smiled at the thought, I'd always loved spending time with Suguru, he was calming and he made me feel loved, like I could be myself.

We finished cutting the vegetables and Suguru decided to play some music. He then made a sauce while I seasoned the shrimp, we continued cooking together as we sang along with one another. We soon finished up the final touches and I served the food as he set the table. "Alright, dinner... is served.", I said as I placed the plates on our table. He took his phone out of his back pocket as he sat in his seat, placing it on the table. "It smells amazing, Y/n.", he said. I smiled at him before taking a bite, he did the same and hummed with the food in his mouth. I chewed as I tried hiding my growing smile, as he savored the food.

He smiled at me, "Oh god, that's so good...", he said as he gathered more food on his fork. "We really outdid ourselves, Suguru.". His phone dinged once but he continued eating, "We always do. I think we make a great team, Y/n, don't you agree?". I chuckled, "We make an excellent team.". We continued eating and conversing and his phone dinged two more times. "Maybe that's important", I said as I grabbed his plate and went to the sink. He shrugged it off, "Not as important as you, dove.", he said as he rubbed my back. "You're such a flirt, stop.", I said as I giggled; liking how close it we were, how close we always are.

He turned me around, "You're so beautiful, dove.", he said as he placed my hair behind my ear. I look away, blushing before he turned me by my chin so I would face him once more. "He doesn't deserve you...", he said as he leaned in. I felt my body lean into him as well... I shouldn't. I'm engaged to Satoru... I can't, it's not right, even if he's never here with me, even if he's not as loving as before. Even if Suguru is standing right in front of me, day after day, treating me like we're two infatuated teenagers.

I pulled away, Geto looking me in the eye as a frown formed on his face. "Y/n...", he said as he caressed my cheek.

"We can't Geto... I'm engaged to your best friend-"

"The fact that that's the only thing stopping you tells me that you feel the same way I do.", he said with a frustrated look.

I stammer, "Geto, we can't. No matter what I feel.".

"Y/n please... you deserve so much better than him.", he said as he looked down. "Why do you keep saying that?", I asked him. He sighed, looking away with a look of sadness. "Suguru... why?", I asked him yet again, turning his face so he was facing me. "I... I'm sorry...". I knew it.

He looked down before reaching for his phone, "I was going to tell you when the time was right, but Y/n, I just can't keep watching you long for such a disgusting man.".

Geto's POV

I opened my camera roll before pausing and frowning while looking at Y/n in the eyes, "I'm so sorry... I wanted to tell you, but I just didn't know how... I'm so, so sorry.". I saw the fear in her eyes, as if she knew what was coming... because deep down she did. This is the reason why I couldn't bring myself to tell her, seeing her hurt face, knowing her heart was about to be shattered- broke me. I showed her the video I got on my day off when Gojo was "at a meeting". He was at a bar with two women, flirting with them and touching them in ways he should only touch Y/n.

I watched her eyes water and her face turn into pure disgust as she watched her fiancé flirt with the women. She looked up at me, before looking back down, seeing Gojo kiss the two women. She looked away, "T-turn it o-off, Suguru...", she said as her voice began to shake. I did as I was told and placed my hand on her shoulder, "I'm so sorry you had to find out like this...". "N-no it's okay... I k-knew...", she said as silent tears began leaving her eyes.

She knew. She knew this whole time. And here she was in front of me, crying calmly, as if it was just a scrape on her knee. "Why did you stay?", I asked her. "I thought... I thought he'd stop...", she said as she wiped the continuous tears streaming down her face. I grabbed her hand and wiped the tears as she kept crying, looking up at me as if she'd lost everything. It hurts... so terribly to see her this way, to see the woman I love so ruined by a man. By him.

I hate him. I hate him for what he's doing to her.

"Let's leave, Y/n.", I said as I ran my hand through her hair and wiped her tears. She looked up at me, surprised, "W-what?". "Let's leave, you and I. We'll be together. We don't have to leave now but I saved up money and you have your job, we can look for some place an-". She cut me off by shaking her head, "We can talk about that another time.. please, just.. hold me.", she said as she looked down. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in, embracing her.

I'm taking her away from all of this, I'll be the man she deserves, I'll do everything and anything to keep her from being hurt this way again.

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