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Something inside me felt electrocuted when he called me Yeol, I hated it when I was called that yet when he said it, it felt like a long time yearning for something was fulfilled

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Something inside me felt electrocuted when he called me Yeol, I hated it when I was called that yet when he said it, it felt like a long time yearning for something was fulfilled.

I watched the car drive away, I could see the Jay's smirk from the mirror, he knew I'd seen the mark on his wrist, he wanted me to. Hidden in plain fucking sight gosh how could I not have known?

Taehyung's car pulled up, he was going to pick me up since I wouldn't have a vehicle to get home. "I found out who 'wish' is," I spoke so unenthusiastically he thought I was joking. "Shit you're serious, uh so what do we do now? Follow him? Track his moves? I mean, this is a huge thing we've been looking all day, what do you suggest?" He asked, starting to drive.

"Nothing. We do absolutely nothing."

I pushed the seat back so I could lay down, I could practically hear Tae's confusion at my words. "He's a daredevil, in other words a fucking child. He did all that disguising it as coincidence just to mess with my head. You wanna piss him off? Ignore him, make him feel like all his efforts were useless, that's how you win. Don't waste your energy searching for him, let him crawl out his shell in spite," I explained myself.

"Right, genius," he chuckled at my smart words being uttered in such a monotone. "How did the mission go?"

"Well I'm alive, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but yeah it went great," I replied as the car came to huge stop suddenly, blasting me who wasn't wearing a seatbelt forward. Right as I expected for my head to make a painful impact with the car, Taehyung's large hand played as a cushion, gently placing it on my forehead. "Sorry that woman came out of nowhere," he apologised, hand falling down to the side of my cheek.

"You're good though right?" He tilted his head while I failed to process the situation, "huh? Yeah yeah, I'm fine," I spoke as he removed his hand from my cheek, returning to driving

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"You're good though right?" He tilted his head while I failed to process the situation, "huh? Yeah yeah, I'm fine," I spoke as he removed his hand from my cheek, returning to driving. That was so awkward for no reason whatsoever.

next day

I got up early like Jungkook told me to, driving to the place we decided to meet up. It was another one of the buildings he owned in the middle of nowhere. I was let in, I headed up the stairs to his bedroom where I assumed he was.

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