chapter 5|France

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⚠️ abuse and miscarriage

As she have been in France for over a year , she still hasn't consive . She is still waiting to be a mother , a mother she have always wanted to be . She is being blame for this . She was called very harsh names for not conceiving yet

She secretly write letter to Henry via her now secret lover , Julien aubert . As he is half English and whom also look alot like Henry . They have enough intemate nights together when ever the king is away

After a more months of having afair with Julien , she found out that she's pregnant . It's too early to show so she thought of a plan . She will bed the king and tell it's his , because if they found out , they will behead her and Julien . She told him to leave and go to England and say to the king ' I will be coming back soon ' and he set sail ,. Little does she know , her friend , lady Henriette Byron know it all

The king is proud for margaret to be pregnant , hoping and wishing it to be a boy but in the 5th month of the pregnancy he got the shocking news

"The queen have beded your favorite Julien aubert " lady Henriette said . Anger he went to Margaret's chamber made drag her out of her bed . He made her stand up and kicked her stomach . In pain Margaret scream " oh Henry help me !" ." There's no Henry to save you !" Francis retorted as he continues to kick his young queen . She loss blood and loses her first child . And also about to lose her new love , Julien

In England the king received the news . He plan to keep Julien as a subject and protect him , as Margaret love him . He realizes she finally found out to learn how to love . But sadly she is broken after the accident which cause her to loose her child

" Your grace , a letter from the queen of France " his footman said

The letter read

Dear my beloved Henry ,

Help me . He kill my child . He kicked me in my growing stomach which causes me to lose him . My little boy in me . Save me Henry . Please . I know you love me and you don't want me hurt . Please as your friend . I'm begging you

A shock Henry decided to raise an army and ready to rescue the queen but his queen is not happy for it . She and him started to argue but of course the king won . Devestated the queen sent a letter to the king of France and it consist

Dear his majesty , king Francis

The king of England is planing to kidnap the queen of France
Protect your queen

Your loyal servant , Cathrine of Aragon

The old friendship of Catherine and Francis is making them know what is in between thier husband and wife . As for the queen of France , she is badly beaten by the king . Bruises all over her body , and her fair skin is filled with cuts and blood drip . All the queen can do is cry and wish for a better next day

Henry doesn't know how France immediately found out about the plan . He just want Margaret to be safe and happy as she was before . They didn't battle because Francis threatened to kill Margaret if he attack , instead they talk calmly in the court of France

" I know she is your wife but her child if yours , your grace , lady Henriette is lying . Do you have evidence it's not your ? " Wolsey said . In which the king of France said " no I don't have " . An anger Henry slam his fist on the table and ask " Where in the bloody world is she ?!?!?!" A servant leads her to her beloved Margaret's room , as he walk in . An unconscious Margaret is laying in the floor
" MIGNONETTE " . As the king flip her to see what happened he saw the terrifying bruises all over her body . He carried her and ask for the royal doctor

As few hours later

The 2 kings tried not to wage war at each other but still mad . The king of England said he will take her back to England when she woke up . The king of France didn't want him to do that so they argue non stop . Until the doctor came and said she's awake

" o amica mea, tu es ok? " Henry ask . She simply nodded and smile weakly . She try to stop the tear on her eyes because she know she will get hurt , Francis then walk in the room and said " tu es si dramatique" as Henry know alot of french words he suddenly punch him , " you shall not EVER treat a girl , a LEGITIMATE heir to both FRANCE AND DUTCHBERGLAND !' taken back the king said " LEAVE MY DAMN COUNTRY , WE WILL BE GOING TO WAR !!"

Angry Henry told troops to ready so do franc ,  but before Francis left the room . He told everyone to leave . As scared and trumatize Margaret know what's about to go down . He just suddenly punch her in the stomach and said " you little whore should burn in hell !" And continue to kick and punch her . And at the end the only thing the queen can do is cry and beg for mercy

The price of the battle is Margaret , In someway Margaret know the English troop will never win again France and ready herself for non stop beating

" Once I comeback and won , you won't ever see the light of the day ever again " Francis said harshly . She lock her door and cry . Thinking of how he was going to kill her once he comeback . But then little hopes flare . Julien is back with a little army . She climb out of her window and go with him , he kissed her and said " I will never leave you again . I promise " and kiss her again . He put her on his horse and rode to the woods to be safe not to be seen


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