chapter 8|sorry

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As she found out she is pregnant . She instantly became happy , she promise weather a girl or a boy . She will love them as much as she can , she will love them like no woman ever love her child , heir , life and love

As for Francis , he have high hope for his young queen . He wanted a boy to secure the monarchy and dynasty . A son to be a future king

6th month of the pregnancy

The queen suddenly got a dream of children crying , calling for thier mom's and there is blood , a path way of blood " mamá help me " a child called out . He's a boy . He wear a lavish clothes and a bracelet same as hers . " What's your name ?" She ask " Francis " . " How old are you ?" She ask again " I don't know . I'm still in you " . She is sure this child is hers . But due to her happiness of founding out it's a boy , she don't realize what her dreams want to tell her

Giving birth

This time the whole castle is preparing for the arrival of the prince which Margaret announced to be . She will name him Francis , his father's name sake . And well everything went smooth and nice until she was out . Yes , She . To her shock she fainted . She know that child is supposed to be a girl . No . Her Dream always let her saw the future . When she woke up she saw Francis right beside her , cradling the baby . " Her name is Margaret Claude Victoria " he said . She smile and said " that's a good name " . Then he hold a dagger and stab the baby . In terror , she woke up in the real world with Francis crying . Holding a piece of white linen wrap around a little body . " Sh-she died . I-i don't know how . But. She's dead " he said and cried harder

" We wait long for her " he cried


As I hold my dead child's body . I finally feel what a mother's instinct was , but it will only be use for once because she's dead . We have waited for her . We are so sad , we couldn't even look at each other . We haven't talk for a while now . We blame each other for her death . I know it's no one's fault but , we still blame each other

I walk into his chamber ready to talk to him after a few months of not talking . Oh god . How did I not talk to him for months ? . When I walk in he said " sit on the bed " I nod "can I talk first ?" I ask . He said sure " if you don't want me anymore . You can send me to Russia . My-"

"Send you to Russia ? For what ? For them to hurt my queen , no !" He said " well if you're going to ignore me. Then just SEND ME AWAY. It'll be much better without me . You can marry the whores you have sleeping on your beds " I said quite calmly . " Whores ? . No i dont have those " he explained . " You do ! . If you got a illegitimate son with them , he will not be king.  I am your wife . The queen of France . Our children are supposed to rule " I said and in a blink on an eye

We tried to consive again . Taken back and fully feel used . I turn my back on him .and try to sleep .
" Did you kill him?' I ask . " Who ?' Francis ask back . " Julien aubert"
"Yes "

I got enough of it , I stand up and said " you're a monster like my father in a different way " and walk out . I can hear him calling my name while I leave . I want to go home . I want to die . I want to ..... I have no home . France is now my home . Dutchbergland and england feel betrayed by me . I started writing letter for my father and Henry

Dearest papá ,

I'm very sorry for what I did . I feel like I betrayed you.  I just don't want him hurt cause I'm carrying his child that time . Father I am greatful to be your child . And what ever you do , I will always be the rightful heir . For verner , tell him I WILL take my throne back . But I won't do anything to hurt him

Your dearest heir , Margaret , Princess of Eelwas

Dear Henry , king of England

I am very thankful for your attempt to save me but in fine by now . I will promise to fulfill our promises and wishes . We will keep peace in our country and please , let me in england once I left France . England is my home and forever will . I love you harry

Margaret , Queen of France

I know by now , my father saw me as a threat to the Dutchberg throne , to his son and to the empire

Few more months pass and I am pregnant . I couldn't bare it anymore . I heard moan in my husband's chambers every night . I am so stressed. Italy and Prussia is having war and France need to pick a side . I told him to pick Prussia but instead, he pick Italy . Now the army of Prussia is riding towards France . Prussia is one of the smallest yet strongest country that I ever seen

They will have to ride for battle again . But my lady Samantha have some news for me

"The king got the Princess Clarisse pregnant " I slam my fist on the table and said ' hang that whore for treason !" I said as tears falls down . I want to go back to England . My first home . The place where I grew up . The place where I got to realize the reality of the world . The place where I first love someone other that my mother and father . A place place of peace *nah you wrong *

Lady samantha kalsis pov

As the queen cried hysterically , I suddenly saw blood on her clothes . " Your majesty , your clothes " I said pointing it out . " My son , my son my son !!" She scream . Immediately get the doctor and they said it's too late . No more child In her was alive . Hes dead . My poor Queen Margaret

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