25| fitzroy

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Margaret now is once again called as the princess of Eelwas because she's not the queen anymore but her brother still let her have the title and we'll, she preferred to be called that

She suddenly became interested on the well being of Henry's son which she call 'Hal Fitzroy' . She wanted to be involved in his education which sometimes she teach him politics and religion

Henry VIII pov

"the princess of Eelwas suddenly become interested into your son's well being and.... Education" wolsey said. I was shock because she never liked him. "anything else to continue? " I ask

"his governess wrote 'the princess sometime teach him politics and religion' . Your grace do you have any idea why the princess is doing this? " I shook my head no

Then suddenly, 'she may have seen his future. Maybe seen him as a great ruler that's why she teaching him how to'

I rush out of my office and went on looking for Gareth and Madelaine . I saw the playing alone, without Anne and Elizabeth, 'Weird' I thought

"where's your mamá?" I ask. "Durham, maybe" Madelaine answer
"and where's Anne? " I ask
They didn't answer

I immediately rush to Durham with wolsey and some guards behind me and my horse

"Margaret! " I call as I opened the door. Hal came running towards me and hug my leg, which is the only place he can hug. I pick him up and ask "where's Margaret? "

"you mean mama?. She's talking to my governess! She said she want to be MY governess and I can study along side Gareth and Madelaine! " he squeal. This child sometimes say so many un needed thing

"Henry!  I'm here! " I heard her voice. Hal came running to her arms and said. "papa is looking for you! " . " I know.  Let's bring him to your room!" she said as hal lead the way

"why? " she ask.  "hal may you leave the room please " . "of course mama.  Good bye papa. " he said then courtsey

"why did you suddenly become..... Interested in his well being and education....? " I ask.  She didnt reply

"I will to teach him,  music,  religion and politics alongside my margaret and Madelaine and maybe sometimes with Charles sauncaster. I wish to be his guardian so I can teach him more than I can being her,  if you will to say yes.... Governess" she said straight to the point.  I just nod in response. "you can be his governess and be his guardian. But you need to protect him at all cost.  Protect him like he's OUR son. Please " I spoke.  "I promise. I promise to protect him like he's our Henry Arthur or Henry Edward" she said then peck my lips. "I wish you belong to me,  Margaret sauncaster" I spoke. "I wish too" then peck my lips one more time then hal ruin the moment. "sworry " he said with the letter "w" because of his front teeth just got out. He look so adorable

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