Chapter 4: Drunken mistake.

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*Something bad is going to happen in this chapter dear readers, in a drunken stupor (Y/n) will make a mistake that will cost him something very important. While Shatter learns about a human's most painful emotion: Sadness.*

"Ah! Damn!" (Y/n) cursed out as burning hot Energon dripped onto his skin making him wipe it off quickly before focusing back on the task at hand.

"This is a mundane task Human-(Y/n). I would have had it done eons ago." Shatter complained as she barely shifted on her side her optics examining her servos which had been completely repaired and freshly buffed. Her servos looked brand new her Cherry-red paint was repairing itself as the two conversed.

"If you so sure then why don't you repair this injury?" (Y/n) asked as he began sealing the gash.

"If I had the ability to I would've. But unfortunately, the injury is above my aft." Shatter stated letting a smirk cross her faceplates. 

(Y/n) rolled his eyes at her crude remark and continued to mend the wound the welding gloves provided the perfect protection from burns from her blue blood.

He learned quickly that 'Energon' as Shatter designated the glowing blue liquid, which had been very harmful to humans, was their lifeblood and that he must always be careful when repairing her.

(Y/n) spent every day in the garage with the Cybertronian Femme patiently answering the question of topics of humanity that Shatter had a particular interest in. He explained the purpose of movies, plays, video games, sports, and many many other things from human culture.

Shatter was not shy to voice her opinion on some topics of Human culture and customs especially if she did not agree with its practice.

Shatter's favorite topic however continued to be music, she listened to many different genres in the few days that she knew what music was. (Y/n) was surprised when he returned home to hear Zac Brown playing from the stereo in his garage.

Shatter had even gone as far as making her own personal playlist of songs.

She claimed they were songs that made her feel the emotions (Y/n) described.

She already had more than four hundred songs on the damn playlist!

(Y/n) allowed Shatter free reign of his stereo whilst he repaired her he never minded the music she chose even if they were from different genres.

Shatter tended to bounce from genre to genre, she had a song from every genre that was well-known.

Except for hard rock, there were only two.

Currently, Shatter was exploring said vast world of music. 

Arctic Monkey's Do I wanna know?  played on the stereo while (Y/n) worked.

"Alright your back is fixed, your self-repair systems can finish the job right?"  (Y/n) asked as he took off the Energon stained welding gloves. 

Shatter frowned at (Y/n)'s interruption of her music but responded none the less.

"Of course, hence is why they are called Self-Repair Systems hm?" Shatter stated as she rested her back onto the wall relieved to not have to sit on her side anymore.

"Smartass." (Y/n) grunted out as he walked over to his repair station grabbing the box that held the new headlight lenses he ordered in it.

(Y/n) grabbed a chair and set it between Shatter's legs and stood on it the box of lenses sat between his legs.

"Alright Shatter, got a gift for you today." (Y/n) said as he reached down and grabbed one of the lenses.

"Replacements." (Y/n) stated as he held up the lenses to her as proof.

Shatter (Transformers), x Male Reader ~New Story~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz