4| Dinner

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Chapter 4: Dinner (Ace's POV)

We were walking back to the table when I heard her dad say, "Let's talk over dinner tonight then." 

I sat down and she walked around the table, taking her seat. 

"Dinner tonight sounds great," my dad nodded. 

"Tonight?" She looked between our dads and then waited for an explanation. 

"I'm inviting them for dinner tonight. I have some business to discuss with Kieran anyway and we can talk about the rest too," her dad shrugged. The guests all began leaving, some were already gone too. 

"But... I was going to Aria's tonight," she mumbled. 

"Go tomorrow, honey. It's business," her dad said to her. 

She sighed in defeat. "All right." She took out her phone and texted, I'm guessing Aria. 

Most of the guests were gone by now so we stood up to leave too. Our fathers kept talking while they walked and I walked a few steps behind her. When we entered the house, a very disheveled Cole came downstairs, still in his pajamas while holding his pounding head. 

I heard her scoff, "Has a date, my ass." 

I smiled to myself and followed her out. 

"We shall see you tonight then," her dad said, turning to both my dad and me. 

I nodded with a polite smile and then turned to her. "See you tonight," I smirked. 

She gave me a fake smile and then sat in her car, opening the door for herself. 

We said goodbye to Mr. John and then climbed in our own car, heading back home. "What do you think of her?" My dad brought it up suddenly, more than halfway through the ride back. 

"Who?" I played dumb. 

He turned to look at me. "Gianna Phoenix." 

I stared out the window. "I think she's hiding something." 

"What do you mean?" I shrugged. 

"She's secretive. She intrigues me." 

"Do you like her enough to marry her or not, Ace?" 

That's the wrong question. Our marriage, if we have one, won't be about how much we like each other if we even do. It would be about how much she truly knows about me because I can guarantee it's more than she's letting on. "I don't think she'll marry me, dad." 

"Why not?" 

Because I killed her brother three years ago. 

"She must have her reasons." 

"I asked you a question that you have yet to answer. Do you like her enough to marry her or not?" 

"If I do?" 

"Then you two will be married." 

I frowned, "What if she says no?"

"Leave it up to her father to persuade her." 

"But that's wrong." 

My dad sighed, turning to me. "We've done a lot of wrong things, son. Plus, you're at an age to be married, she's looking for a groom. Of course, it helps if you two get along but even if you don't, it doesn't matter. John is a reliable man when it comes to business. I've been wanting to work with him again. Let's see how tonight goes and hopefully, we'll have a plan." 

"A plan," I echoed. 

"A wedding date, Ace," he sighed, punching my arm gently. "Why are you being so sensitive about this?" 

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