13| Motion

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Chapter 13: Motion (Gianna's POV)

I was currently standing inside the house instead of outside with the rest of the crowd. 

Aria dragged me inside, demanding an explanation. She refused to believe that I loved and was in a relationship with someone like Ace Allister and never told and she was right to do so. So I told her my plan. We both stood there in silence while she processed and I smiled at the guests who were coming in and out of the house. "So," she paused. "You're going to kill him?" she whispered. 

I nodded, my arms folded across my chest. 

"This is your plan? To make him fall in love with you, trust you, and then you'll kill him? Because he's the one who killed Chase?" 

I nodded again. 


"But what?" 

"But how do you know Chase didn't do anything wrong to make Ace do that?" 

"What does a person do to deserve death?" 

She fell into thought. "What if Chase killed someone? Would you do the same thing then?" 

I frowned, "Chase couldn't possibly have killed someone, Aria. Are we thinking of the same guy?" 

"We are but do you really think Chase was like that when it came to business? If he was he wouldn't be in the business, Gianna. He was your brother, obviously, he wouldn't treat you or behave the way he does with business partners." 

"I don't care what he did or what went down between the two of them. Chase was my brother and Ace killed him," I said in a hushed voice. "And blood is thicker than water. Always. I'll fight for Chase." 

"Fine," she sighed. "If that's what you want to do. But please make sure you know the whole story before you kill the poor guy." 

"Poor guy?" I scoffed. 

"He looks like he really likes you, Gianna. That's all I'm saying. You're taking advantage of him. I don't think that's right." 

"Well, I don't care." 

"I know you don't. But let's set the record straight, I don't support your idea, I'm not going to help you with anything. You don't know what really happened and you're going into this battle blind and that is incredibly stupid. He's the most powerful person here in Chicago." 

"If I can't kill him, I'll make him miserable." 

"That's your backup?" 

"Yes," I huffed. 

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "And he'll just let you go after you try killing him once and fail?" She scoffed, "You do you, Gianna. But if you kill someone the way he killed Chase, then what's the difference between the two of you? You might as well join the family business then." 

Are we really arguing because she's defending Ace? 

"You're on his team then?" I asked. 

"I'm not on anyone's team. But I think you don't know what you're doing." 

"Aria!" Her mother called her over. She glanced at me and then turned around, walking away. 

I let out a breath and started thinking about it. It's too late to go back now. My plan is already in motion. That's why I'm acting nice. And once the plan is in motion, I can't go back on it now, it'll be too suspicious. He'll catch on because he is one smart asshat and people can never fool him. I'm about to try and I need to give it my all. 

Taste of SinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon