17| Different

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Chapter 17: Different (Gianna's POV)

I don't do what I just did with him at that boutique. I don't just go around kissing guys or letting them see me in my underwear. I don't have intense makeouts with them and leave with hickeys on my neck. And I fucking liked it. All of it, every little bit. Which is why I asked him to tell me what the hell happened between him and Chase. 

I thought that maybe if he explained it to me from his point of view, I could at least try to understand him. Not forgive him, but at least accept his side of the story and maybe, just maybe, we could have a normal life as a married couple. 

But I was fucking stupid for that moment. Because he's Ace Allister. I can't believe I was thinking I could reconcile with him and move past what he did to Chase. And he just proved me right. 

He just proved everything I thought of him from the beginning right. He can't change or be changed. He is who he is and I'll have to deal with it either way, even if I choose to kill him, even if I choose to be loyal to him and be the good wife I'm expected to be. 

But I won't be that trophy wife unless he's willing to be the perfect fucking husband. The one who buys me flowers, skips work once in a while just to lay in bed with me. The husband who cherishes me. Regret never hit me so hard until now. I wish I didn't agree to marry him in an impulsive moment. 

Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to marry for love, as most people do. But I forgot what I really wanted and I put my duties as a sister over my duties as myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid little Phoenix. How ironic. 

He stopped the car at my front door and I unbuckled myself, pushing the door open, and climbed out wordlessly. "Gianna!" 

I didn't stop walking, in fact, I picked up the pace. I walked to the front door and began punching in the code when I heard his car door slam shut. 

The door beeped and unlocked itself just as he caught up to me and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face him. "Are you seriously angry with me right now? Because I won't tell you something that you're better off not knowing?" 

"You don't get to decide that! I'm angry because my fiance doesn't tell me anything! I don't even know anything about you," I scoffed. "You aren't even trying." 

"And you are?" 

I folded my arms across my chest, glaring at him. 

"When have you tried getting to know me? You've just been thinking of getting back at me for what I did to Chase, haven't you?" 

"Yeah," I said sarcastically. "That's exactly why I wanted you to kiss me, didn't I? Isn't that it, Allister?" 

What. Am. I. Saying? 

"Why don't you tell me why you wanted me to kiss you? Quit speaking in riddles and hints and just tell me the damn truth. What do you want from me, Gianna?" 

"I want you to let me in, even if it's just a little bit. Because I'm not capable of being this trophy wife who doesn't ask questions, just sits there and looks pretty, and waits for you to tell her what to do. I'll call off the wedding if that's what you want. Tell me. Is that the kind of wife you want?" 

"I want you as my wife, how about that?" 

"Bullshit," I laughed. "You're marrying me for the wrong reasons too, aren't you? Just so I don't tell anybody about what you did. Isn't that why you agreed?"

He sighed, "Initially, but—" 

"There's no but. Let's call it off then, huh? It makes the most sense. Because we clearly can't even—" I let out a small gasp when he leaned down, silencing me with another kiss while holding onto the back of my neck, bringing my lips closer to his. I grabbed his arm, giving it a squeeze before hitting it with my fist. 

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