Part 10

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JS: What do you want me to do? Dragged Jimin here to choose your wedding dress? Wahh you are so clingy to him now.. Hey, you can surprise him.. His father need him at his company and we can't do anything about it. Don't be mad hm?

You glared at her.

Y/n: I'm not mad because of that! 

JS: Then?

Y/n: Taehyung eat all of my chocolate!

Jisoo stare at her being done with her problems.

JS: You can buy it later! Let's go! We have to buy your wedding dress. Your wedding is in 2 weeks for god sake. Let's go!

She pulled you to the car and drove off.


Y/n: Gosh.. I'm tired.

You laid on your bed feeling tired after trying those wedding dress for hours because Jisoo is strict and picky when it comes to dress.

JM: Love?

You look at the door and smile.

Y/n: Oh you're here.

You went to hug him as he hug you back and cupped your cheeks.

JM: I'm sorry that I can't accompany you to choose your wedding dress.

Y/n: Don't be sorry. It's really fine.

JM: Why you look so tired?

Y/n: Jisoo is so picky that she forced me to try every single of dresses there.

He chuckled.

JM: Poor my baby. Do you need anything.

You shook your head and hug him.

Y/n: I just need you with me. I don't need anything else.

JM: And I thought I'm the clingy one here.

You both chuckled. 

Y/n: But you love this clingy girl.

JM: Of course I do.

-SKIP TIME- because I'm running out of ideas


(Just imagine your own wedding dress. I'm bad at choosing dress)

Jimin stared at you lovingly while you walking at the aisle. You look so beautiful in the wedding dress. Your light make up making you look natural. You stand beside him and smile.

JM: I'm amazed. You are beautiful.

Y/n: I'm always beautiful. You look handsome aswell.

JM: I'm born handsome love.

You chuckled. The priest start to do his work. When the moment finally came.

Priest: Do you Kim Y/n take Park Jimin as your lawful husband?

Y/n: I do.

Priest: Do you Park Jimin-

JM: Yes I do take Kim Y/n as my wife.

All the guest chuckled as he start to being impatient.

Priest: I announced you both are a married couple. Mr. Park and Mrs. Park. You may-

JM: Sorry but I don't need anyone permission to kiss my wife.

With that he grab your waist pulling you closer and smash his lips on yours.

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