Chapter 14

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"Did you enjoy the tea party?" Nikolaidis asks Estelle as she arrives in their bedroom. She's already in her nightgown, ready to sleep.

"Yes, the party was really fun."

Talking with the twins and Zareen really made her feel like she was with her old friends Trisha and Michelle.

The Duke is seated on bed, a book on his lap. He closes it and places it on the nightstand as she lies down. He grabs the blanket for her and tucks her in. She mumbles a shy 'thank you'. Her face heating up as she remembers the personal questions the Princesses asked her earlier.

"Do you have anything planned tomorrow, Estelle?" He asks as he settles under the blanket.

They sleep in one bed every night but tonight she's extra sensitive of his presence. I can feel his body heat radiating next to me! Keep your thoughts clean, Estelle!

"The Princesses invited me to go sightseeing around the capital," she answers as she turns away from him, hiding her flushed face.

"Oh, I was hoping you'd be free. I wanted to show you around," Nikolaidis sounds disappointed.

I suddenly wonder what did Nikolaidis do today? I'm pretty sure he didn't bring any documents here so I don't think he was working. Wait, did he stay alone in this guest room all day? Estelle feels like she just got splashed with cold water. She gulps, feeling guilty.

I purposely act cold and distant towards him but I can't stop feeling guilty for my actions. His kindness and gentleness makes me even guiltier! If he was a cruel and mean typical male lead, it would have been a piece of cake for me to ignore him. But I've fallen in deep for this caring and handsome soon-to-be-villain.

I really need to continue to avoid him but it feels extra harsh of me to abandon him while I'm out having fun. Would it be alright if I ask him to come along? It would be so nice to do touristy things with him. It's like going on the honeymoon that we never had! Just the thought of it makes my heart flutter...

But, I don't know if the twins will like it if I bring my husband so maybe I shouldn't invite him. Estelle pulls the blanket closer to her, suddenly feeling cold. Leaving him alone is the right thing to do if I don't want him to fall in love with me.

"I hope you have fun tomorrow. Good night, Estelle."

She keeps silent even though she wants to wish him goodnight. I'm sorry Nikolaidis...

~~▪~~ ~~▪~~ ~~▪~~ ~~▪~~ ~~▪~~

It's a bright and sunny spring afternoon. Nikolaidis is alone in the guest room. He already spent the previous day indoors, reading the book he brought for the trip and now he has nothing else to do.

His thoughts go to Estelle, worrying if she's safe. She's out with the twin Princesses today. I'm sure they have plenty of Royal Guards. I also assigned new knight guards for her. A dozen of my strongest and most trusted men are with her but I still don't feel at ease.

When I privately talked with Estelle's father last week, he warned me that he got information that the escaped prisoner Nathaniel had been spotted by some mercenaries close to the Capital. The Marquess was furious when he spoke to me.

"You're the Captain of the strongest group of knights in the Empire yet you let one measly knight harm my daughter? You even let him escape!" The Marquess snarled.

"I deeply apologize, my lord. I have no excuse to say for my ineptitude," Nikolaidis could only bow his head in shame in front of his father-in-law.

"I can't lose another daughter. I won't leave you be if Estelle gets hurt."

Nikolaidis could understand why the Marquess was enraged. She is someone precious to Marquess Gautier but she's precious to me too. Estelle is the woman that I love. She's the only person I wish to be with for the rest of my life.

"I will kill Nathaniel. I give you my word, my lord."

My fear that something dangerous could happen is the reason why I gave my wife the enchanted ring-dagger. It's also the reason why I came to the capital with her. However, coming with her isn't just for her safety but it's also because of my own selfishness. I don't know how to sleep anymore without her lying next to me.

Although, it's true the Emperor asked me to come here but it was an open invitation. Emperor Maghnus expressed in his letter that I could come anytime I wanted. I had no intention of going anywhere without my wife but I know she would decline if I asked her to come. Just like when she said no when I asked her to go on a lakeside trip together.

I think Estelle dislikes me. She's been avoiding me more and more. We don't even eat our meals together anymore. I was hoping to change our relationship by spending time together during our trip here in the Capital. But I can't seem to find the right timing to ask her out.

I feel like I'm failing to honor my promise to her father that I'm going to make her happy. There were some moments when she seemed happy and liked to be around me but then she would suddenly return to her cold and distant self. It makes me confused. What does she truly feel for me?

Maybe I should go outside. I'm going to go crazy if I stay alone in my thoughts here. Nikolaidis decides to visit Capitol Park. It's close to the Imperial Castle and it's been a while since he's been there. The park is one of his favorite places in the Capital.

He requests for a horse and heads alone to the park. The flowers are in bloom and there are a lot of people due to the pleasant weather. Maybe Estelle would have liked it here, he thinks as he walks around with no destination in mind.

He passes by a young couple seated on a bench with their hands clasped together. They're whispering to each other's ears, looking happy and in love. I wish that was me and Estelle... Nikolaidis shakes his head as he walks away.

He sees a group of ladies ahead of him. It's obvious from their clothing and the dozens of guards surrounding them that they're noblewomen. Looking closer, he notices it's actually Estelle with the twin Princesses Athisha and Athmichela. What a strange coincidence that they're here.

Estelle is laughing while the Princesses point at each other jokingly. Her golden eyes sparkled as she smiled under the sunshine. His heart throbs in his chest. She looks even more beautiful today. I've never seen her make that expression in front of me before. I don't think I've ever made her smile that way.

From our conversation last night, I believe Estelle doesn't want me to join them. I shouldn't disturb her fun trip with her friends but I'm relieved to see that she's alright. Nikolaidis walks to a different direction and pulls his cape's hood over his head to avoid being spotted by them.

Stay safe, Estelle...

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