Chapter 27

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The People's Ball is the highlight of the Empire's Founding Anniversary celebration. On the seventh and final day of the week-long festivities, extravagant balls are held simultaneously in each of the 11 countries under the Ghesquire Empire. Everyone, both commoners and nobles, has a chance to attend these parties as invitations are sent out to random people across the continent.

It is actually during this ball when the novel My Beloved Prince begins. It is also when the male lead, Prince Klavin, and the female lead, Odette, first meet.

Aside from indiscriminate invitations, important figures and those who made great contributions over the past year also secure invites. Of course, Estelle and Nikolaidis were invited to the grandest party in the Capital which was held in the grand ballroom of the Ghesquire Imperial Palace, the same place where the Imperial Ball was hosted just a few days prior.

Estelle didn't expect to see her family at the ball but she realized she should have known they were going to be invited. After all, House Beauvoir is one of the richest noble families in the continent and greatly helps the Empire's economy. She thoroughly enjoyed the party especially because her family was there and her good friends, Tisha and Mitch, also made sure she had a splendid time.

She watched the spectacular fireworks show at the end of the party while Nikolaidis wrapped her in a back hug. It was unlike any other show she's seen. Since this fantasy world has magic, they used it to make the objects and animals made out of the colored flames of the fireworks move as if they were alive. It was the perfect way to end the Founding Anniversary festivities.

Now, even though the Founding Anniversary is over, the Ducal couple has to stay an extra day in the Capital for Nikolaidis' coronation as Grand Duke of Ghesquire. However, Estelle didn't know she was going to be included in the coronation as well.

"You're my wife so you'll be promoted to Grand Duchess too," Niko tells her.

She gasps, "so this means I'm fourth in line to the imperial throne?!"

Estelle stares at her husband in surprise. Why did I only realize this on the day of the coronation? They're already in the carriage and on their way to the Imperial Temple where the coronation will take place.

The soon to be Grand Duke nods with a smile on his face, "you could be Empress one day."

"That's too much work! Plus, I just know a lot of people will try to assassinate me!"

Nikolaidis laughs as his wife, "don't worry. I'm sure we won't become Emperor and Empress, my love."

"You're right," Estelle shakes her head feeling silly for seemingly over-reacting.

She's been feeling weird the past few days. She'd have mood swings which make her switch from over-reacting to not impressed by anything to irritated at everything. It almost ruined the dates she and the Duke had during the previous days.

Normally, I'm not moody so I don't know why I've been feeling this way lately. I feel like one of those annoying sensitive girlfriends but good thing Niko patiently put up with my mood swings.

The carriage slows down as they enter through the gates of the Imperial Temple. She peeks out the window and sees a big crowd has already flocked to witness the coronation.

She's okay being the center of attention as long as she just sits there and does nothing but if she's asked to perform or say something to a crowd, she gets awful stage fright.

"Niko! Will I need to say a speech?" She begins to worry. I didn't prepare a script beforehand!

"No, no need for that. The High Priest will just do the ritual and the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess will put the crowns on our heads. After that, the Emperor or the Crown Prince will announce that we're officially the new Grand Duke and Grand Duchess. You just have to smile, my love," Niko reassures her.

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