Chapter 31

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Estelle looks in the mirror after she finishes dressing herself with the help of her three maids. It's her first day back to doing her work as Duchess of Blanchard so she wishes to look presentable to the people she'll be meeting.

I'm so excited to finally return to my duties! I miss working and helping the people of Blanchard. The month I spent doing nothing in the castle felt unbearably long.

As she examines her reflection, she notices that her baby bump has become quite obvious especially because of the thin lilac dress she's wearing but she doesn't mind. She actually wants to show off her growing stomach, although she doesn't want to say it out loud, and she's really happy because she's already in the second trimester of her pregnancy. She feels proud of becoming a mother and her stomach is proof that her baby is growing healthily in her womb. Aside from that, it's also the middle of summer which is the main reason why she chose to wear a thin dress.

Satisfied with her appearance, she heads to her office where Abenant, the castle's head butler who's also her aide, is waiting with the day's mail.

"Good morning, your highness," Abenant greets the Grand Duchess.

"Hello, Abenant. What's my schedule for today?"

She takes a seat in front of her desk and starts going through her mail as she listens to the butler read out her schedule. She lets out a silent sigh of relief after she finishes sifting through the pile and finds that no letter without an address came today.

Reading through mail has become a daily nerve wracking chore for her after receiving that vague but scary letter a month ago. Although, after that one incident she hasn't received any other letters of the same nature, she's afraid of getting a new one every time she goes through her mail.

"In the afternoon, you'll be attending the opening of a new exhibit in Blanchard Art Museum. That event will be your last schedule for today, your highness," Abenant says and closes his notebook.

"Will Nikolaidis not be coming with me to the exhibit?"

"Unfortunately, the Grand Duke cannot attend it. I was informed by Sir Stefano that his highness needs to inspect a village at the border of Blanchard which will take up all his time today."

"Oh, I see. Thank you for informing me, Abenant. You may go now."

"As always, if you need me just ring the bell. Have a good morning, your highness," Abenant bows and leaves the office.

Estelle is a bit disappointed that she won't be seeing Niko until the end of the day but she doesn't dwell on it. I have a lot of work in front of me so I must get cracking! She begins going through the pile of documents that she needs to work on, feeling motivated and determined to finish her paper work.

~•~ ~•~ ~•••~ ~•~ ~•~

A familiar looking blonde woman with round glasses welcomes her as she steps out of the carriage, "greetings your highness, Grand Duchess Estelle! Thank you for gracing us with your presence to this event."

"Director Viera Cornell, it's nice to see you again," Estelle greets her in return. Good thing I remember who she is!

The museum director's eyes light up at the sound of her name, "oh my, you still remember me! I am honored, your highness!"

"You gave me a wonderful tour of the museum last spring, of course I will remember you," Estelle says as she smiles at the director.

"You are too kind, Grand Duchess! Please come this way. The ribbon cutting ceremony of the new exhibit will begin in a few minutes," Viera says as she guides Estelle into the building.

As they walk through the museum, Estelle meets a few nobles who she's acquainted with. She exchanges short pleasantries with them and all of them comment about her growing womb. Some even compliment her, telling her that she's the most radiant pregnant woman they've seen which the Grand Duchess could only respond with a shy 'thank you' and a blush.

Estelle expected it would take time but the ribbon cutting ceremony starts and ends rather quickly. The guests enter into the exhibit area, dispersing into small groups around the paintings that catch their attention.

"This new exhibit features a collection of paintings from various local artists here in Blanchard. The paintings show the unique scenery of our beautiful Dukedom as well as scenes that one would typically see in Blanchard Center, especially the daily lives of the common people," Viera explains to Estelle.

"Has any painting caught your eye, your highness?"

Estelle nods and gestures to one, "that one looks stunning."

It's a painting of a young man gathering water from a pond with flower fields and snow-capped mountain ranges behind him. It's the scenery she always sees whenever she travels out of the Blanchard Castle.

The two ladies walk towards the painting and Estelle admires how it's even more beautiful up close, "who painted this?"

"You have a great eye, your highness. This was actually painted by my daughter, her name is Juniper," Viera says with a proud motherly smile.

"Wow, really? Is she here today?"

"Sadly, she couldn't be here because she was called by the Imperial Family to do a portrait of his royal highness, Prince Klavin. Although, I am proud that the Imperial Family has recognized my Juniper's talent but it's really too bad that she couldn't be here today."

"Ah, it must be for Prince Klavin's second birthday."

Estelle remembers that the twins mentioned on one of their recent letters that their nephew's birthday is coming up soon. Estelle and Nikolaidis will definitely be invited to the party which means she'll be reunited with her friends at the Capital again.

"You're daughter is truly an excellent painter, Viera," Estelle adds.

"Thank you, your highness!"

"Excuse my rudeness, your highness Grand Duchess Estelle, but I overheard your conversation with Director Viera," an older man suddenly approaches them.

"Your daughter painted this, director? I've been looking at this painting and I am just in awe. Your daughter is a spectacular painter!"

"Oh, thank you very much, my lord," Viera bows to the gentleman.

Estelle feels like she's holding Viera up so speaks out, "I'm sure you would like to talk to the other museum guests, Viera. I wouldn't mind it if you left me by myself."

"Are you sure, your highness? But I can't possibly leave the guest of honor alone."

"It's alright. I'm going to look at the paintings from the other side of the exhibit," Estelle says and walks to a less crowded area.

She looks at more paintings one by one while occasionally chatting with nobles who would come up to talk to her. She's finding the event very fun but she can't help thinking how much more enjoyable it would be if Niko was with her. I hope he's not over working himself out there...

The event ends after a couple of hours and all the guest make their way out of the museum's building. Viera accompanies Estelle to her carriage, thanking the Grand Duchess once more for coming to the opening.

"Thank you as well, Viera. The exhibit was beautiful and you were the most gracious host. Your work as director of Blanchard Art Museum is really commendable."

"You are really too kind, your highness!"

Suddenly, a piece of paper lands on the ground in between the two ladies. They both jump a little out of surprise. That came out of nowhere!

Estelle looks up and sees hundreds of papers falling down from the tops of the buildings around Blanchard Center. She spots a group of masked people standing on the rooftops. They dump crates full of papers before disappearing. Who are they and what are they throwing around?

She picks up one paper and reads it:

Remove Crown Prince Henrik Ludington! We support Grand Duke Nikolaidis Carvelho as our next Emperor! For the glory of Ghesquire, hail future Emperor Nikolaidis!

What the hell is this?!

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