Chapter - 30

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The pack doctor turned to look at the Queen with a solemn face. In his hundred years of life he has seen nothing like this. The twisted limbs of the princess showed pre-shift symptoms. But it’s impossible to inherit both warlock and werewolf genes. Since Crystal has already evolved into a warlock, it left the doctor contemplating his response. 

“Is she alright?” Madeleine asked, a worried look etched on her face. 

“I-I t-think she is h-having pre-shift episodes,” said the doctor as he kept fidgeting at his spot.

A gasp left Madeleine’s lips. She knew this would happen someday. Marvis was right. ‘Crystal is yet to reach her full potential.’ 

“But, my lady, something has to be blocking her shift. The only reasonable explanation for her extreme pain.” The doctor said,

Unshed tears brimmed Madeleine’s eyes, as she asked, “isn’t there anything you could do?” 

“Unfortunately, No. There isn’t any wolfsbane or silver in her system. I am unsure of the factor blocking her wolf.” 

Madeleine gave a small nod to the doctor, dismissing him. She continued to stare at her daughter, an inaudible sigh escaping her lips.

Crystal lay unconscious on her velveteen bed, her brown locks matted to her pale face. Incoherent words escaped her lips as her fingers twitched. Her ‘chi’ was pushing through, compelling her body to jerk away from the sleep.

Crystal opened her eyes with a startle, her heart plummeting against her ribcage. Her eyes darted towards the foot of the bed, where Madeleine stood with a solemn look on her face. 

The rustle of the sheets broke Madeleine’s trance. She hurried to Crystal’s side and helped her to lean against the headboard. Supporting a pillow against Crystal’s back, Madeleine sat beside her daughter with a small smile playing on her lips.

“How are you feeling?” asked Madeleine. 

“As if a truck ran over me,” Crystal said with a wince as she tried to sit straighter. 

Madeleine gave out a low chuckle, as she said, “I’ll ask Dr James to give you some pain meds.”

“Oh, don’t bother with it. The pain will go away, it’s nothing new.”

A confused look crossed Madeleine’s features. “You had them before?” She asked.

“Yes, it’s just the pain from the mate bond.”

“I thought Xavier didn’t reject you,” Madeleine asked, her voice carrying a hint of reluctance. 

“Xavier didn’t reject me.” Crystal affirmed. 

The Queen’s eyebrows furrowed “Crystal you are having pre-shift episodes. It’s not related to the bond.”

“What? But Melanie said it was the bond.” Wrinkles appeared on Crystal’s forehead as she thought back to the conversation with Melanie. 

“Who’s Melanie?”

“A pack member in the Lunar Eclipse Pack.”

“Despite what she said, mate bonds won’t hurt unless you’re rejected.” 

“But, I wasn’t rejected. I felt this bone-crushing pain until I left the pack.” Crystal said.

“Even if the bond was weakening, it would only feel like a small jolt of electricity,” Madeleine said, patting her daughter’s hand.

Questions swirled in Crystal’s head, ‘why would Melanie lie to her?’, but the greater question ‘if she is having pre-shift episodes does that mean, she is a werewolf too.’

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