Chapter 30

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"Are you okay?" He whispered into my ear as my breathing had finally slowed down, back to its normal pace. After I came to the realization, I immediately felt nervous all over.

"I think so," I sniffled, gently wiping my long sleeve shirt under my nose to help my nostrils clear up. "Thank you for listening to my fucking sob story."

I snorted, slightly shaking my head as I slowly raised my legs off of his and lifted my head off his shoulder. We sat side by side, our legs barely touching each other as we both stared at the sun that was setting through the trees.

"I told you I'd be here if you ever wanted to talk," he breathed, slightly turning his head over his shoulder as his eyes connected with mine. This was the second time I broke down in front of him, and both times, he never left me alone.

"I just wanted to tell someone," I shrugged my shoulders, my eyes wandering off to watch the beautiful blue and pink colors swirl together in the sky. The sun was a rich, orange color and the sky surrounding it was just as vibrant as the Christmas lights that sparkled against the pine trees. 

"It feels good to tell someone," he commented as I hummed in response. I lightly trailed my finger against the wooden bench, running over the details in the wood as I bit my lip in concentration.

"I'm- I'm sorry for what I said about your dad that one day at the coffee shop," he sighed as his electrifying emerald eyes darted to meet mine.

"It's okay," I shrugged my shoulders as I fought back the small smile that threatened to break out. He actually apologized.

"I'm also sorry about Jason," he huffed, a hint of anger lacing in between his words. I could tell he was furious after I told him what Jason did. I wondered why he cared so much, but then again, why did I?

"Let's just talk about something else, yeah?" I chuckled as his plump lips morphed into a small smile. "I've got you at a time where you aren't being an ass, so I need to take advantage of it."

He barked a laugh, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his dimples were now visible on each cheek. I didn't know how long we've been out here, but I knew I had to get home soon because I didn't want Jace to be overwhelmed with taking care of Liv.

"I'm an asshole, I know, I know," he mumbled under his breath, sarcasm evident in his tone as he lightly shook his head. I bit the inside of my cheek as I watched a few strands of hair graze against his forehead from the random gust of wind.

He caught my eyes, his emerald eyes brighter than the stars that appeared after the sun went down. He genuinely took my breath away. We stared at each other for who knew how long before I cleared my throat, my cheeks burning up from embarrassment.

"You know," I started, trying to keep my mind off of the gorgeous boy that sat next to me. What is going on with me? "I always wonder what life would be like if my dad hadn't passed away."

Karson turned his body to face me, my body shivering as the temperature significantly dropped. I wrapped my arms around each other, slightly rubbing my hands up and down as I tried to build up warmth.

"I'm sure you do, princess," he whispered, his eyes holding a look of pain as he watched me rub my arms. "Cold?"

"A little bit," I shrugged, the cold weather bothering me more than I thought it would. I was too distracted to even care how cold I was.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear that flew in front of my face as the wind kicked up. My teeth slightly chattered as goosebumps pricked my arms, the small hairs raising as the temperature continued to drop. We were the only ones left in the park.

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