Chapter 37

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"I'm just going to be upstairs with Olivia," Jace mumbled behind Karson as I heard his loud footsteps pound against the stairs. I didn't respond to what Karson said until I heard Jace's door close.

"Why would you protect me from yourself?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me as a small frown etched it's way onto my face.

"Like I've said many times before, my family is dangerous. If you get involved with me, you get involved with my family. I never told you because I didn't want him to do anything to you. If you knew who he was to me, he would hurt you more than he did before," he mumbled, his voice sharp as he clenched his jaw in rage. He was trying to hold back. "Why do you think I've been such an ass to you?"

"What?" I breathed, my mind racing as we stood merely inches away from each other. I felt his minty breath fan across my face as he deeply exhaled.

He lightly rubbed his forehead in frustration as briefly closed his eyes. His eyes shot open, revealing his dangerously dark eyes as they scanned every inch of my face. Whatever he was about to say was going to be hard for him to get out.

"From the first moment I met you, I was drawn to you. Your sarcastic attitude, your beautiful blue eyes, and your snarky comments made me fall hard," he explained as a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

I sucked in a sharp breath as my heart hammered in my chest. I anxiously fiddled with the hem of my shirt as his eyes briefly flickered down to my shirt. He took notice and gently separated my hands as he rubbed the back of them instead.

"You had an effect on me, like no one else ever had. As much as I wanted to talk to you and get to know you, I couldn't," he scoffed as his grip slightly tightened. "If I got close to you, my father, and uncle for that matter, would immediately target you. I couldn't let that happen, so I tried pushing you away. It was so fucking hard, Dakota. All I wanted to do was be your friend, but knowing that my father was still set on getting revenge on me, he would hurt anyone I cared about to get revenge. I couldn't let him hurt you."

My eyes widened in shock as he finally explained himself. It all made sense. He was an asshole from the beginning, but it was only to keep me from getting hurt. He knew that if we had gotten close, his father and Jason would target me. He only did it to protect me from his family.

"You've never hated me?" I asked, curiosity lacing in between my words as I met his gaze. I felt goosebumps against my skin as my lips slightly parted.

"I could never," he admitted as his eyes somewhat softened. "I hated the things I said to you. God, I fucking hated myself when I saw how hurt you looked. It tore me apart. I did it for so long, until I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't handle being the reason you were angry or sad. I gave in, and finally let myself get close to you."

"Oh my God," I whispered under my breath. My eyes widened in shock as his words replayed in my mind. My heart fluttered as nerves coursed through my veins. He never hated me. All those things he said to me, wasn't true.

"But, I fucked up. If I didn't give in, and kept being a dick, my father and Jason would've never known about you," he hissed, angry at himself as he released my hands and ran them through his black hair.

"Jason knew me before you guys came down here, so it was bound to happen that your father would soon know about me. Jason's already done some fucked up things way before you moved down here, so it's not your fault that all of this is happening. Jason is just a sick man," I explained. I didn't like seeing him angry at himself. "What a small world, huh?"

He shook his head before connecting his gaze with mine. "He's so fucked up, Dakota. I'm so sorry you had to put up with him for the past few years. When Jason worked for my dad, they were like an inseparable team. They ran the underground together. I don't know what happened between them, but one day, my father ended up taking it over by himself, leaving Jason to move down here alone. I still don't know what happened."

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