Chapter 6

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        “Ready?” Kelvin jumps up. How can he be so energetic after only a few hours of sleep?

        My smile morphs into a yawn. “Okay.”

        Hazy sunlight is just pushing past gray clouds as I link my hand with Kelvin’s. I can’t fly in this world, but he can.

        The stars are faint, but they are still there. “Second star to the right…” Kelvin starts.

        “And straight on till morning.” We exchange a smile before plunging past the second star to the right. Light blocks out London.

        When I open my eyes, I see green below and blue around. The sun, golden and bright, slips into the sky. I laugh and spin around, letting go of Kelvin’s hand. My fatigue evaporates as I twist and turn in the air. Nothing like a morning flight to wake you up.

        Kelvin and I fly down to the lost boys’ camp. My laughter dies as we land in the abandoned clearing. Last night’s fire is cold and dead.

        “Hello?” I run my hand through my hair. “What do we do now?”

        “They must have slept in. Remember last time, Felix had to wake them. Or call them.” Kelvin strides over to the large tree and bangs on the camouflaged door. The loud noise echoes through the clearing.

        I wince and step back.

        “Kelvin?” A voice comes from behind us.

        A boy with dark brown hair holds a knife and block of wood in his hands. Green eyes skim over us. What was his name?

        “Daine!” Kelvin grins.

        Daine nods. “What are you doing here?”

        A sick feeling tugs on my stomach. “What do you mean?”

        “The sun just rose. It is too early.”

        “Oh. Do you mean that the lost boys are still sleeping?”

        Daine smirks, “Sleeping…” He draws out the word as if he is unfamiliar with it. “Yes, they are probably still down in their hammocks.”

        “Well, we were sleeping until someone banged on our door.” Bert’s head pops out of the hole. He tumbles out. His eyes are heavy and tired, but he is grinning-as always. “Good to see you, Kelvin. Wendy.”

        “Good morning, Bert. I’m sorry we woke you. We didn’t know where everyone was.”

        Bert shrugs. “Welcome back.” For a second his face changes, but then his grin reappears and I wonder if I am just imagining things.

        The other lost boys climb out of the tunnel one by one. Some are still half asleep, but the rest are already jumping around and filling the air with their yells and laughter.

        Someone restarts the fire and begins to cook breakfast. I help pick apples from one of the trees, but keep my eyes open for Peter. Shouldn’t he be here by now? Is he still asleep?

        No leaves rustle in his tree.

        We eat breakfast. Yesterday we had arrived a few hours after breakfast. I don’t understand that since it was night in London when we had left with Felix. But time works differently here. If it works at all.

        “Aren’t you coming?” Kelvin asks as he stands up. Most of the other lost boys have already left. But Peter still hasn’t showed.

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