Chapter 26

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        I stand in an empty campground.

        The sun tints the sky pink. I should be worried about staying, about tonight. But instead I am lost in tiny, familiar eyes. I smooth my fingers across Bear’s soft fur. “Hello, Bear…I’ve missed you.” I whisper.

        I am pathetic, weak. I clench my teeth and slide the bear into my bag. As always, time is slipping through our fingers. “Tigerlily! Tink!”

        “Wendy, we are alone. No need to yell.” Tigerlily rolls her eyes as she walks toward me. “Come on, I have a fire going.”

        I frown, but follow her. She doesn’t comment on my outfit. She doesn’t tell me that I am crazy for staying behind.

        I plop down next to her. As soon as I sniff the smoke, memories of campfires and lost boys scatter my thoughts.

        “Try it. You might like it.”

        “No way.” I laugh, but Peter shakes the bear meat at me.

        He chews loudly. “Delicious.”

        I shake my head again. “Ew. There is no way I am trying it.”

        He licks his lips. “Coward.”

        “Bully.” I stick out my tongue at him. “It’s rude to tease a girl.” I take a bit of my roasted apple.

        Peter shrugs. “Maybe, but it’s a lot of fun. Are you almost done? I have a surprise for you.”

        It’s not dark yet and the fire is too warm. I toss my apple core into the flames and move away from its heat. “A surprise? Nothing can be better than the fairy circle you showed me.”

        “You’ll love it.” Peter helps me up, his gaze scanning my old dress. “Trust me.”

        And I did love it. The blue rose dress, the clear pool to bathe in. But now my dress is hidden in my bag. And I don’t want to touch it again.

        I want to believe in Peter Pan. I want to trust him. But I cannot. It is too risky.

        Tigerlily waves her hand in front of my face. “Anybody home?”

        “What? Oh, sorry.” I shake my head.

        “Tink-” She nods at the lumpy green hat resting next to her foot. “-is resting for a few more minutes. But then we’ll leave. You can come with us.”

        You should come with us.

        The words are still there, even if she won’t say them.

        “Thank you, but I have to stay.” The dagger presses against my waist. Even though it is covered by my black shirt, I feel its weight searing my every word. That isn’t why I am staying.

        I am staying to save Peter Pan, not kill him.

        Tigerlily nods and pulls out her arrows. She fingers the tip carefully.

        “Thank you for saving me from him.”

        The Princess sighs. “He wasn’t going to kill you. You were never in danger.”

        But I was. Even though he was just playing with me the whole time, I was still in danger of not reaching the Indians in time. “Thank you anyway.”

Peter by day, Pan by nightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ