Chapter 36

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        "No! Of course not! I never knew my parents." I scramble away from the ledge.

        My words splinter through my mind. It's not true anymore. I've met my mother, but my father-

        I gasp and lean over, clutching my stomach. Peter's dagger is still pointed at me, but he hesitates. I moan, my mouth filling with saliva.


        My father's name was Jas.

        "Jas." I spit out the word.

        "Yes, some did call him Jas. Short for James. Now answer me!"

        I drop onto one of the rocky ledges. My thoughts slip over each other. A thousand emotions clamoring for attention.

        "Known to some as Jas.Known to most as the dreaded pirate Hook."  Hook's words echo around me.

        "His name was Jas. He was fae, like me."  That's all my mother told me. She was trying to warn me, but why didn't she just tell me the truth?

        This isn't about Neverland or even about my world. This is about ancient, powerful magic. Worlds and places and galaxies we know nothing about.

        The fae kingdom.

        "Wendy?" Peter's anger falls away. His voice breaks. "Wendy, tell me it isn't true."

        I don't cry. I push myself up, my arms wobbling. "It is true."

        Peter inhales sharply and steps back, his feet moving over the air. "No, no. It can't be." Shock and horror fill his eyes. But I know it will soon be replaced with hatred.

        "I'm sorry, Peter. I just now figured it out. I promise you-I didn't know!" I struggle to my feet, my hand covering my mouth, my words shaking to hold my sobs in.

        "YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" Peter shouts. And the entire cave shakes. Rocks start to fall down, splashing into the water below us.

        I scream as my ledge crumbles. I try to fly, but I am too scared. My hand clutches a small rock jutting out of the wall. "Peter!"

        Peter waves his arm and a chunk of wall breaks off, falling into the ocean. The waves splash into Skull Rock, the water stirring angrily.

        Peter snarls, his fingers digging through his hair. "Felix was right. You were working for Hook-your father-all along."

        Felix. Hook! Anger lashes through me. He wanted this to happen. He knew it would. I've played my part perfectly.

        The waves fill the cave, spraying my dangling feet. I cry out and wrap my arms around the small outcropping. I can't fly. Fear has stolen my wings.

        "Peter! You have to listen to me!"

        "How could you, Wendy?" The waves swirl together, the wind jerking me away from the ledge. "Is that even your name?"

        My fingers slip. I swing wildly, only one hand holding me up. "Help!" My bag slides down my arm. I grab the handle with my fingers.

        Peter suddenly jerks back. He gasps and slaps his hand over his chest. "The lost boys are leaving Neverland. All of them! And they are not alone."

        His words have barely registered when I look up through the gaping hole in the cave and see a ship flying high above us.

        One cannon.

        That's all it takes.


        The explosion rings in my ears as the walls crumble and the ocean thunders over Skull Rock.

        "Wendy!" Peter screams, but then water surrounds me, cutting off all other noises. Dark blue waves sweep me farther into the ocean.

        I gasp for air, but there is none. I swallow salty water. My eyes sting and panic explodes inside me.

        I'm going to die.

        The current pulls me deeper and everything-the dark sky, the powerful waves, the piercing pain-it all fades away.


        A strange sound fills my ears. It is familiar, but doesn't belong to Neverland.

        Am I dead?

        The rhythmic sound beats through me, thudding with each heartbeat. Heartbeat, so I am alive.

        My body sways back and forth, my mind slipping in and out of consciousness.

        And through it all, the sound continues.

        Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

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