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I am just sitting here minding my damn business when;

"Saffron, why the hell is Ula, Trancendie and Erivo himself..." he goes on, naming people I've partnered with, "In the lobby saying they got emails last night saying you were alive, but it's not safe to reveal yourself to the public!"

"Uh, Oscar, how about because I made a new email. And emailed them that I'm alive and it's not safe to reveal myself to the public."


"Oscar, I'm done hiding. And I'm not letting Ryder ruin my life."


"My dad has a twin brother. Ryder is older. Henry younger, Henry is my dad. From the age of barely one and a half, I had full coordination. I was able to comprehend things that weren't normal for a kid so young. My dad was thrilled. He started training me at the age of two and a half. And Ryder came along when I was three. During this training. I was asked series of questions. It tested my reaction time and physicality. It pushed me to exhaustion. During these training sessions, I was taught French, Italian and English. These sessions could last anywhere from 3 to 16 hours. If I did something wrong, I was dropped in a hole of water. A 6-foot hole of water. You can guess where my fear of pools... and baths come from. I have always been stubborn. So when I didn't want to do something. I was yelled at. I was hit. I was slammed into walls. Yet at other times they liked when I disobeyed. Did I forget to mention? I resemble them to a great degree. Both of them are obsessed with themselves. Ryder is obsessed with eyes. Henry, hair. They'd run their hands through my hair. If I cried one wiped the tear while the other spoke creepy sweet nothings. It never really stopped me from crying. Other times they'd put their disgusting lips on me and trail their hands-"

"Sofie, what the hell."

I finally look up at him from my laptop for the first time today.


"You speak so nonchalantly like this is easy."

I stare at him plainly, "I had to relive my childhood the last couple of months. I have to make sure that never happens again. And you are the one who wanted an explanation. I am done being scared Oscar. So if I may continue."


"What changed? Maybe trauma does that to people."

"Are you upset? Do you want to continue this conversation later-"

"Oscar, sit. I have a ton of shit to say, and you are in for a long ass backstory."

He sits beside me cross-legged. He gives his full attention while I'm typing away. Oscar takes my laptop from me.

"You are avoiding looking at me while speaking on purpose." He says.

I give him my attention. "That woman we saw at the Steels estate. The blonde one. She's my mother. I had an older brother. He jumped off the roof with my baby sister in his arms because he was sick and tired of the way things were. I would've died the same trying to catch them, but I landed on the lower balcony as they hit the concrete. I ran away that night. I sat on the corner of Decker and Decker, balling my eyes out. Where my mother, who walked out on us a year prior, passed me like I was trash. That's where things changed. May I add this was the same day we won the convention? I had a gotten a job pretty quickly. It was a coffee shop. One of my co-workers was nice enough to let me crash with them after noticing my certain behaviours. With my first paycheque, I bought contacts. Soon enough, I went to a barbershop. I had one of the guys dye my hair. And I went back gradually till it was all brown. And I lived my life without looking back."

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