Tying Up and Letting Go

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Tying Up and Letting Go

Four weeks go by fast.

"Saffron you've been calm... too calm." Caroline tells me.

"I've gotten that a lot lately." I drag my bags to the door.

"You leave tonight why are you rushing... excited to see a certain someone?"

"You are a walking definition of men and women can't just be friends." I glare at her.

"And I'm right. Oscar one. And you put Niel in the friend zone for reasons I still don't understand."

"How about I don't have intimate feelings for him?"

"Denial." She mutters.


"I heard you are causing quite the riot with the Steels'."

"Now that I really think about it. Why is Ji watching Star when Star has a mother?"

"Many mothers work."

"So much so that the babysitter is borderline abusing their own children?" I seethe.


I shake my head and lay down.

"Elle is showing results of emotional abuse and she keeps coming to me as an outlet. I will never replace her parents and she's too young to know that coming to me is definitely searching in the wrong place."

"Why?" Mom asks.

"I still consider myself a child. I'm still trying to figure myself out. I am not a parent. I barely have relationship experience. I can't be a healthy influence the way she needs it. I am not qualified in any way."

"How about she comes to you because you listen to her and make her feel heard? She finds peace and comfort in you."

"She'll be pissed I'm leaving."

"It's just a business trip she'll get over it."

And I hope that me leaving makes sure she's never quiet again.

After time with my mom I drop her off at cadets and I head off to the ranch.

"Echo!" I yell.

She is on Capo.

They get over here and she gets down.

"Hey Capo!" I run my hand over his snout.

"Miss Baylor what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Just wanted to stop by again before my trip. And I have a favour?"


"Mind giving these to your dad tonight? I don't have enough time to swing by the office."

"Of course. See you around." She waves as I walk.

I drive down to my track.

"Why'd you want me to meet you here?"

"It was your birthday a couple days ago. I've been busy-"

"We've all been busy..." Cedric comments.

"Well I have a favour and a gift kinda wrapped in one."

"Well?" He raises his eyebrow.

I walk up to my key case. I take out every single key. I place them in his hand.

"Why are you giving me your keys?"

"They aren't my keys anymore. They are yours." I lock eyes with him.

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