~Chapter 2~

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Branch went around to look for more rations for his underwater bunker for emergencies, he was crazy prepared after all.

"Ok I just need to find some bioluminescence slime and I'll be right for the season" Branch said while picking up some kelp.

Branch looked up at the surface thinking about what it would be like but quickly ditched that thought remembering what his family said.

"You're thinking about going up there aren't you?" Branch's grandma asked.

"Ahh! Grandma where did you come from?" Branch asked, shocked by his grandma's sentence.

"I was just going for a morning swim, I think it would be a good idea, maybe you can make a friend" Branch's grandma suggested.

"I don't know, Mom and Dad said that the land trolls are monsters and are heartless creatures" Branch said remembering his parent's warnings.

"They're just blinded by the past, I've been there lots of times" Branch's grandma reassured.

"Wait you've been to the surface and have done the change?" Branch asked, slightly surprised.

"Lots of times, they are really nice and friendly" Branch's grandma replied.

"I don't know Grandma.. what if something goes wrong?" Branch asked slightly worried.

"You'll never know unless you try" Branch's grandma said reassuring him.

"I'll think about it" Branch sighed.

"Alright I'm off to find some sea cucumbers I'll see you back at the shell pod" Branch's grandma smiled.

Branch's Grandma left to find her sea cucumbers and Branch was contemplating if he should go to the surface.

"Well, If I go to the surface I could learn more about the world and find land rations.. buuuuutt the land trolls would freak if they knew about my real identity" Branch said to himself.

Suddenly Branch noticed something nearby, it was a land troll and it looked like they were drowning.

Branch quickly swam over to the land troll to help and notice that it was a beautiful girl with pink hair and pink skin. He brought her back up to the surface without a second thought, he checked her pulse and she suddenly coughed out the water she consumed.

Branch panicked because he didn't want her to see him and went back into the sea but suddenly got caught up in a loose net and struggled to swim away.

Poppy woke up a bit confused about what happened and saw Branch struggling and immediately wanted to help.

"Give me your hand!" Poppy exclaimed reaching out her hand towards him.

"No just leave me alone!" Branch yelled.

"I just want to help you, please?" Poppy begged.

Branch hesitated but grabbed her hand and she freed him from the net.

"I'm Princess Poppy by the way" Poppy smiled.

"Um... I'm Prince Branch, you're not gonna skin me alive or throw me into a fire to burn right?" Branch asked, still nervous.

"Of course not, why would I ever do something like that? I'm more of the loving huggable type"
Poppy replied.

"So if you're the prince that means your parents are the king and queen right?" Poppy asked.

"Obviously, So are you a princess?" Branch asked.

"Yep, princess soon to be queen of the pop trolls and I've been always wanting to meet a mertroll, which tribe are you from?" Poppy asked happily.

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