~Chapter 6~

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"Jasper! Keep up will you?" The old mertroll yelled.

"Tahlia, we've been swimming for hours" Jasper replied out of breath "I think I need to work on my cardio" He muttered to himself.

"Oh hush it's only been half an hour" Tahlia scolded him dryly.

"Still! That's like forever" 😫 Jasper complained.

Tahlia was getting frustrated but kept her cool. "Ok if you keep quiet the rest of the way you can have a new eyepatch that'll look better, deal?" Tahlia asked calmly.

"Deal!!" Jasper exclaimed.

Tahlia glared at him 😑

"Right, starting now" Jasper whispered.

Tahlia sighed in relief and continue to swim towards the kingdom. Soon enough, they entered a dark cave tunnel and Jasper suddenly heard a noise.

"Uh M-mistress?" Jasper started.

"Didn't I tell you to keep that mouth shut?" Tahlia asked.

"I-I know but.." Jasper continued "I think I heard something" Jasper said.

"Stop being such a big baby and just keep going" Tahlia exclaimed.

Suddenly a bunch of of Seazites grouped around Jasper and that's when he freaked out.

"Tahlia!!!" Jasper yelled out.

"Oh seriously? Why do have to be so-" she started but then saw the Seazites around Jasper.

"Save me! 😖" Jasper exclaimed, terrified.

"Tell me, which one of you is in charge?" Tahlia asked.

Another Seazite came behind her "I am" the leader stated "And I don't like intruders so you and your eel friend should turn around immediately" the leader warned.

"Unfortunately this is the fastest way to where I need to go" Tahlia explained "If you let me and my friend pass, you might be able to help with my plan" Tahlia said.

"And why would we do that?" The leader asked getting his poison spike ready.

"Well it just so happens I'm heading to Aqua village and I know how much you hate the crystallites so I'm destroying them, so how about you get to attack all the mertroll folk once I'm done?" Tahlia offered.

"That sounds good but we can't go there until the lights are gone" The leader said concerned.

"I have an idea but you'll have to sacrifice yourself to help your pack" Tahlia replied wickedly.

"And what plan would that be exactly?" The leader asked suspiciously.

"Well I could turn you into a couple of pairs of seaglasses to dim the light for them, then once the lights are out I can turn you back to normal" Tahlia suggested.

The leader gave it some thought, he wanted to be with his pack but since they only love eating mertrolls and they were just struggling to be satisfied with kelp and fish that barely swam around their parts. If he could make his pack satisfied and happy, it would be worth it.

"Ok we have a deal" The leader sighed.

"Great, Now hold still" Tahlia said getting her staff ready.

~~~Back at Aqua Village~~~

"Over to your right is the Crystal heart, the main crystallite that keeps Aqua Village from freezing" Tug explained.

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