~Chapter 7~

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Branch, Poppy and Tug waved goodbye to the mertrolls as they left the music shell pod, making their way back to the palace.

"You guys were amazing, I think that's the first time I've heard Prince Branch sing" Tug complimented.

"Wait- Branch you have sung before right?" Poppy asked.

"Not really" Branch replied "Maybe by myself and when I was a kid but haven't really sung out in public" Branch said.

Poppy was shocked, how could a mertroll with a voice of an angel be so shy about performing?

"For what it's worth, you do have an amazing voice Branch" Poppy complimented.

"So do you" Branch smiled, complimenting her back.

Poppy smiled at the compliment, slightly blushing.

They all headed back to Aqua Village, Branch and Poppy made their way to the throne room to see what Poppy could do now, maybe she could stay a little longer?

King Aquatics and Queen Alyssa were on their thrones and they surprisingly seemed calm.

"Hello son, the tour went smoothly as I presume?" His father asked.

"Yeah it went great" Branch replied

"We noticed you performing at the music shell pod, I haven't seen you perform like that since you were little" Queen Alyssa said.

"Mom!" Branch blushed slightly embarrassed.

"Oh don't be embarrassed, I'm proud you came out of your shell a little" His mother said.

"I wouldn't have if it weren't for Poppy" Branch replied.

Poppy smiled, happy she was able to give him confidence.

"Hmm seems like you are quite the good influence on Branch, so we've decided to invite you to the royal gala" King Aquatis smiled.

"Really?" Poppy asked excitedly.

"Yes, perhaps if you prove your folk are trustworthy, we might try to be friends again" Queen Alyssa replied

Poppy was excited that she was finally able to show she was friendly and tried her best not to go and swim over to give him a hug.

"Thank you so much your majesty's" Poppy said.

Branch noticed it was getting late, seeing that the water was getting dimmer.

"It's getting late, could Poppy stay over at the guest room overnight? It's a bit of a swim to her village" Branch asked.

King Aquatis thought for a moment "What about your family? Won't they notice you are missing?" King Aquatis asked.

"Well it's just overnight, I'm sure they won't mind" Poppy replied.

King Aquatis and Queen Alyssa looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright, you may stay here for the night" Queen Alyssa said.

Branch was surprised his parents were finally giving her a chance but was grateful for it. Poppy and Branch were excused as they left the throne room.

"I think Branch finally has made a new friend" Rosiepuff said trying to complete a puzzle.

"You really think she's trustworthy?" King Aqatis asked.

"I think so, she's such a sweet girl" Rosiepuff said.

"Whatever you say mom" Queen Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"I think my dad finally is giving you a chance" Branch said.

"Yeah, now all I have to do is convince my people that you guys are just as awesome and friendly as we are" Poppy replied.

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