~ Chapter - 14 ~

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- C A M E R O N - 

"We should tell someone now." I said and Carmella's head snapped towards me. "I mean it. It is already getting worse." 

"No, you can't do that! I already told you Cam, I don't want anyone to know." She said in bewilderment.

"But it is getting out of control Carmella. I don't know what to do anymore. We don't know what to do anymore. I don't want this to turn worse." I said. I was afraid and it was true. I know nothing about such things and I don't want her to end up in a bad condition. I would die by guilt if something happened. 

"I don't care. We can find a way. I can't tell them anytime soon. They will be too panicked and disappointed and-" She rambled idiotically but I cut her off.

"They won't be disappointed. It isn't your freaking fault so calm down and listen to me." I said, a little frustrated. She looked pissed but nevertheless kept quiet. "We can tell anyone you want. Mom, Dad, Asher, Austin, anyone. But we have to tell them before it's too late."

It will be helpful for her and maybe for me too. I have no idea how to deal with such problems. And she has nothing to be afraid about. It's not like I will just leave her alone to deal with it. Nobody in our family will. 

"But I don't want to! Okay? And you promised me you won't tell anyone either!" Carmella yelled.

"You are more important than a freaking promise dude! Let me tell them!" I yelled back. She shot me one last glare and stormed out of the room. I hand a hand through my hair roughly. I honestly don't know what to do. I feel telling Mom would be a good idea but I can't do that unless she agrees to it too. Because she probably won't tell me about her problems again then. I was too confused. What will be better?

"Ugh! Why did I even promised her in the first place!" I sighed. 

"Hey, Mom is calling you downstairs for lunch." Easton said, poking his head through the door. I nodded and followed him downstairs. 

"Everything alright?" He asked, pulling out a chair for himself. "Ella seemed mad before."

"Yeah, we had a small fight." I said sitting down beside him.

"Cam, do you find her behaving weird nowadays?" He asked all of a sudden making me choke on my food.

"What do you mean by weird?" I asked trying to sound as normal as I could.

"As in, she keeps staring at a spot for a long time. And she gets zoned out a lot. Is something bothering her?" He asked. I wasn't that shocked because it is Easton we are talking about. He notices the smallest of things and actions. 

"No, maybe she has something on her mind." I shrugged.

"You should talk to her. She isn't like her normal self." He said. 

"I will, don't worry." I said. He nodded and finally let go of the topic. We ate in silence but my mind was wandering in thoughts. If Easton has noticed it, there is no way the others won't. Especially Mom. I have to talk to her before anyone else. 

"I'm full." I said and left the table. I checked all the rooms to find Ella and finally found her with Kiara.

"El, we need to talk." I said. 

"What if I don't want to." She said rolling her eyes. 

"But I want to." I said, my patience running out. Thankfully Kiara understood and left the room leaving us alone. None of us spoke for a long time and kept staring at each other. 

"Look. I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't wanted to come out as rude or mean but I was really worried about you." I said finally breaking the awkward silence. She looked at me for a moment silently before answering.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you." She said. I sighed in relief and told her about my conversation with Easton. 

"They will notice sooner or later, El. It would be better to tell them yourself." I said.

"I know but I just can't bring myself to do it." She said.

"I can talk to them for you if you want. They will understand."  I said assuringly. She thought about it for sometime as it is a very important decision for her to take too. It is not that easy to tell everyone about it. It is a mentally draining situation for her and God knows what she is thinking. She told me few days back that she's afraid of their reactions and she don't want them to worry too much.

"Okay." She said after a long pause. "I will tell Mom." 

"Good." I smiled putting my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Ella, I'll be right here by your side." 

" You have to be if you don't want to get murdered." She said jokingly making me roll my eyes with a smile. 

Hi Guys!
How are y'all?
I hope you are all safe and healthy.

Thank you for 300+ votes!

Tell me about your thoughts on this chapter. I hope you all liked it. 

And if any of you are having any problem like this or similar to this please talk to someone. Anyone. You can message me too if you wish. It is totally normal and certainly not your fault. Mental illnesses can be cured just like physical illnesses, you just have to make sure not to blame yourself for it. Your mental health is very very very important. Please make sure to take care of yourself and do things you love. 

Another important thing is to listen when someone shares their problems with them. Even if you think you can't do anything to help them, just listening to them is a very big help. People don't realize the severity of such problems at first. They take it lightly or are too afraid to tell someone. It is important to pay attention to them when they are opening up to you. It takes a lot of courage for someone to tell about such things to others.

Take care!

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