~ Chapter - 23 ~

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- I L A R I A - 

"Hey Carmella." I said. It came to me that she would me the best person to talk to right now because she is someone who is clear about her thoughts. She knows what is right and what is wrong and won't sugarcoat things even a bit. And I guess she'll be really proud of me. After all, it was the first fight where I didn't cried. 

"Are you coming back? Dude, I knew it. We are still up and you know what-" She started rambling without even giving me a chance to speak. 

"Carmella! Listen to me!" I shouted. She went silent and I continued. I told her everything that happened at home. She listened intently without interrupting. I ranted everything to her. 

"You didn't apologised, did you?" She asked once I finished. 

"No, I didn't. I told him it's his fault, not mine." I shook my head. 

"Good. Very good. And don't tell me you cried." She said. 

"No, I didn't. I didn't shed a tear. In front of them at least." I said adding the last part quietly. 

"Great. You are improving. Oh my god, I'm so proud. You are finally growing up. I taught you so well." She said and I could imagine her wiping tears of joy. "Okay now listen, I think Elijah finally came back to his senses but don't get much emotional, alright? Let them fight if they want. You aren't getting paid for being the peacemaker between them. Got it?" She said. I nodded. 

"Got it?" She asked again and I realised I'm on phone. How dumb of me.

"Yeah." I said. She distracted my mind off by talking about other things which I was grateful for. She always knows what is the best thing to do. I wish I could be as mature, smart and strong as her someday. Why am I not like her? She must've never felt so weak and small like me. Nobody must've dared to mess with her or hurt her. We talked for quite some time before going to sleep. 


"Morning!" I chirruped and took out the cake from the fridge. 

"Morning." Elijah smiled and the other two, as always, rolled their eyes but I ignored them and slumped on the couch. 

"Cath is coming today." He said.

"Really? What time?" I asked excited at the mere thought of meeting her. We haven't met since Elijah's birthday and sometimes I miss her. Like yesterday, nothing like that would have happened if she was here. She would smack all of them if I ever tell her about it. Catherine isn't someone you would want to mess with. 

"By 11, I guess." He said and I hummed. Maybe we could go shopping and I can invite Kiara and Carmella too. I have a feeling Carmella and Cath gonna get along really well. They are similar in so many ways. They would probably just discuss ways to torture people they hate, Xavier topping the list. 

"That's great. I'll call Kiara and Carmella over too." I said. 

"Yeah yeah sure. Why don't you just go live with them?" Xavier snorted. 

"I wasn't telling you." I grumbled.

"No but seriously, why do you bring them up in every conversation. It's like you have nothing else to talk about." Xander joined. I swear they can't keep quiet if one of them is speaking. They have to take each other's side even when it's not necessary.

"It's my choice. You don't have anything to talk about other than talking negative about others too. And they are far better than you." I said. 

"They are nothing but rude and egoistic. That girl Carmella don't even talk to me properly." He said and my head snapped in his direction. They are anything but egoistic. It is partially the truth that they are rude sometimes. Carmella never talks to him unless it's to insult him but it isn't her fault. She don't like him and she makes it crystal clear everytime. 

"That's because you are mean and she don't like you. Even a bit." I rolled my eyes. Not everyone who dislike them is evil, maybe they are just intelligent and smart. 

"That's because you are dumb." He laughed.

"You are the one who failed every exam. Do you even know what's 14 into 8?" I said. Xander has always beeen the worst out of us all in studies. His teachers were so fed up of him that they let him sleep through the whole class so he won't disturb others. Mom even considered sending him to boarding school.

"I know it. I just don't share my knowledge with anyone." He said offended by the truth. 

"Yeah sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I teased. Elijah was watching us in amusement. There is still tension between him and the twins but he doesn't seem to mind it. Xavier on the hand seems to be done with us, mostly with me. 

"I'll be in my room." I said as I finished my cake and put my dishes in the sink walking upstairs. I have to get ready too. I took a shower, dressed in a denim jumpsuit and texted Kiara to come over. Hopefully, today will be fun without any drama. 

"Nothing beautiful asks for attention."

Hi Guys!
How are y'all?
I hope this chapter was okay.

Your company really effects your character a lot and that's what is happening with Ilaria. Our family and friends effects out thoughts and decisions more than we think.

Question of the chapter- What will you call your crying sister?

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