~ Chapter - 35 ~

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- X A N D E R -

"MOM!" Xavier yelled storming inside the house with me trailing behind him. "Mom! Where are you?"

He was too angry and understandably so. When Elijah talked to us a few weeks ago, we all decided we'll try to mend things between us, slowly and steadily. Xavier was the most difficult to convince. He doesn't open up easily but that doesn't mean he didn't try. He was, in his own way. But no, Ilaria just had to go and ruin it for all of us.

And I kinda understand why he is yelling for mom. She is the one who always sides with Aria, she should listen what her darling daughter actually does. She should know she isn't the victim all the time.

"What is it?" Mom replied, coming down. She held Xavier's bitter stare, confused.

"Why didn't you tell us Ilaria was going to California?" He got straight to the point.

"I thought Elijah told you? You guys didn't know?"

"Of course we didn't mom! He didn't tell us shit!"

"You saw me packing with her, you didn't ask her? You didn't even ask me so I thought you knew already." Mom replied calmly.

"No, we didn't ask cause we thought it must be for something else. She goes to these camps literally every other month." I said.

"Okay? But now you guys know, so it's fine guys. Let's cool down." Mom said firmly.

"Don't tell us to cool down mom! Whenever this happened with Aria, where we wouldn't tell her things, you would get mad at us and always side with her. But now? Where is your anger when she did the same?" Xavier said, frustrated with the whole situation.

"First of all Xavier, I'm your mother. Not your friend. Not your sibling. Do not talk to me like that ever again." Mom said, glaring at my twin. "I was mad at you because you left her out of things when she clearly wanted to be a part of it. You don't want to know about your sister's life, Xavier. Your ego is so big that it has ruined your relationship with her."

"You are being a hypocrite mom. Whatever we do is wrong is your eyes. Whereas, whatever your darling daughter does is justified." Xavier scoffed. But this time, he didn't looked angry. He looked rather hurt. He has always been closer to mom than any of us. Even when mom yelled at him for Aria, he has never once talked back. He has never once raised his voice on her. He respected her too much.

"You know what the problem is, mom?" He continued. "The problem is you and dad acting like they have only one child. The problem is Lijah acting like he has just one sibling. I know we were horrible to her, mom. We know. But we are trying to fix it. Maybe it's not very visible right now, but we are trying okay? But what do you guys do? All your attention is always on her. What's the last time you actually talked to us, mom? Talked to me? Not yelled at me or shouted at me, but actually listened to me?"


"No mom no! You don't even try. I hate you! I hate all of you!"

Mom flinched when Xavier shouted the last part and I knew instantly something he said has hurt her. Xavier has messed things up, again. But this time it isn't with Aria or Lijah, it is with mom.

"Go to your room, Xavier."



Xavier held mom's glare for a minute before storming up to our room. I don't know how I will handle him now, that too without Elijah. He is beyond irrational when he is angry. Nothing and noone can stop him from hurting himself as well as others.

"You shouldn't have done that mom." I said, finally deciding to voice out my thoughts. She wasn't fair to my brother. "He is hurt and you, more than anybody else, know he acts impulsively when he's angry. And yet, you chose to hurt him even more. Instead of listening to him you just shoved him away. Why can't any of you ever understand my brother?"

"I understand your brother, Xander. I understand my son, more than you or he himself does." Mom said, looking at me directly. "And that is why I understand how much this irrationality will cost him in the future. If Xavier doesn't start listening to others, he will ruin every good relationship, Xander. If you want good for him, which I'm sure you do, stop him from taking reckless decisions. Stop him from destroying his sanity."

"I love him, Xander." She said, her voice cracking slightly. "I love him more than any of you can ever comprehend. I gave birth to him. Taught him how to walk. From the moment I knew about you, I loved you. Do you think I wouldn't understand him? I wouldn't understand the kid I raised for all these years?"

"I didn't mean it like that mom-" I don't know why I felt the need to explain myself. I should be angry at her. At all of them. They are the reason Xavier is hurting.

"Yes you did, Xan. And that's okay." She smiled wanly at me. "As long as I am able to make you and your siblings good people, I'm okay with you misunderstanding me or Xav hating me. It's okay."

"No mom. It's not like that, I swear."

"You should go to your brother, Xander. He needs you." Mom said before walking away to her room hastily and shutting the door before I could go after her to apologise. Guilt started to creep in when I heard soft sniffles coming from mom's room.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Xavier didn't either." I called out, knocking on the door softly. "Please. I'm sorry. I was just very agitated at that time and I didn't watch my words before speaking. I never wanted to hurt you."

I tried a few more times but got no response.

"Mom." I whispered, blinking back the few tears forming in my eyes. "Please forgive us."

"Go to your brother, Xander."

"Motherhood- All love begins and ends there."
- Robert Browning

Hi my beautiful beautiful people!
How are you all doing?

How was this chapter? And do you see the twins side as well? Or do you see their mother's side more?

And please give me some suggestions for 'family genre' because I'm looking for ideas for my new book. Something like luxedreams work. She is just sooooo amazingggg!! Check out her works if you haven't yet.

Question of the chapter- Do you like your own company?

Take care! Stay safe and be your most authentic and beautiful selves!

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