"Who even thought to care about my own feelings!"

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Anna's POV
"Oh hey?! Where have you been?!" Ryder yelled at Kaylee.

"Sir don't have a right to yell at me." She said getting a redbull from the fridge.

"You left with no question! What if you got kidnapped again?! You can't j-" he was yelling until Kaylee interrupted him.

"Ryder... you are 19. I am 18. I am currently doing so fine that you can stop fucking worrying about every little thing I fucking do." She said quietly.

"What did you just say?! I'm just trying to look out for you!" He yelled.

"And remember?! I don't fucking need affection right now! Not mentally and not physically!" She yelled back.

Eva, Emma, and Sab came through the door with groceries.

"Then stop going out unexpectedly and I'll stop worrying about you!!" He yelled.

"I still can't believe you treat me like I'm your fucking child." She said walking off.

"You don't get to walk away like that!" Ryder yelled grabbing her arm.

She stared at him for a good 20 seconds. She set down her redbull and slapped him hard.

"I don't need another fucking dad to treat me like I'm their fucking child! Who even thought to care about my own feelings!" She yelled.

"Kaylee..." I said.

She looked at me and then grabbed her keys and phone running back outside.

"Kaylee no come back!" Nick yelled going out the door but Kaylee was in her car going out.

"Really?! You fucking idiot!" Nick yelled at Ryder.

"Well someone had to set her straight!" Ryder yelled back.

"You didn't set her straight! You made her leave AGAIN!" He yelled.

"Just stop trying to help. She needs fucking time after all what happened." Nick said going outside on the patio.

"Hey you okay Anna?" Dev said coming right next to me.

"Ummm yeah ima just text Kaylee..." I said as I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch.

Kaylee :P

|Hey... you okay?

Kaylee :P
|I just need to cool down. I might sleep somewhere else but I'll be home tomorrow...

|please be careful...

|and look I know you think you screwed up really bad... but I know it's not your fault. I still will be here for you. I may not look at you as the same but I still will be here for you. I promise I'm not leaving you. And your gonna be stuck with me for awhile because I don't got anywhere to go...

Kaylee :P

|I also wanted to say thanks for saving me...

Kaylee :P
|yeah well you repaid the favor... get sleep now you need it after staying awake for 3 entire days

|I will fs. Please be careful and don't do anything stupid :)

Kaylee :P
|I won't.

Kaylee's POV
I still hated myself for what I did to Anna. It will forever traumatize me. Even though she forgives me I don't care I still did a bad thing.

I went to the park and sat down and scrolled through TikTok awhile. I then drove to McDonald's and sat down. It's been 2 hours and I'm definitely not ready to go. It was 10. So I decided to go back to my house for awhile. It was a 4 hour drive so I bought a few red bulls and snacks.

Once I arrived I saw blood everywhere. I didn't feel tired so I cleaned up my entire house till it looked way better. It 3 in the morning afterwards. I sat down and watched a movie I could feel myself getting tired but I wanted to stay up if there was ever people trying to attack. I got another shower just for the fun of it. I taped up my cuts and went back to the living room.

"6am I should get going back." I said to myself.

"What's the fun of going when you can stay here and be tortured?" A guys said behind me.

"Really... after all this time you decide to attack now?" I asked.

He was so confused I just ducked down into the kitchen and shot him in the chest.

"I fucking hate this..." I said.

I dragged the guy out and threw him in the creek letting him flow down the stream.

I grabbed me a few monsters and drove back home.

Nick's POV
Ryder was pretty pissed last night. Kaylee stormed off without saying anything. It's been hours since she left and I started to get worried.

"Hey have you you heard from Kaylee?" I asked Anna.

"Nope she said she would come back home yesterday." Anna said looking back at her phone.

"I'm really starting to get worried..." I said.

"Yeah trust me so am I... I hate seeing her like this." Anna said putting her phone down.

I sat down next to her and we just stared at the tv for awhile.

"So how do you know Kaylee?" Anna asked.

"Started out in elementary school... we've been friends for about a decade... I already knew about her and her gang family. She taught me things I literally didn't know. I swear I was a retard back then..." I said laughing at the end.

"Haha... Kaylee seems like a really fun friend." Anna said laughing.

"Believe me she is... But she's definitely changed... she stopped caring about her mental health... everything went downwards when she lost her girlfriend..." I said looking down.

"Girlfriend? I didn't know she had a girlfriend..." Anna said.

"She was murdered by Kaylee's dad. After he found out Kaylee was in love he killed her... that's probably why she was so over protective of you..." I said.

"You think she likes me?" Anna questioned.

"Likes? Dude she's in love with you. I've had a pretty big crush over Kaylee but after I found out she liked you I decided too quit and move on." I said.

"I'm sure she loves you has a friend." She replied.

The front door was opened and it was Kaylee.

"Whatever you guys have to say me just say it so I can get this shit over..." she said.

"I... umm well..." Ryder said coming in.

"Nah you know what fuck this." She said going upstairs.

"Go talk to her... please your literally the only person she will not change for." I said to Anna as she nodded her head and got up.

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