Chapter Two

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A couple hours later Abby sits reading on the porch while Owen works on the bike "What do they want now?" Owen asks as Claire pulls up in her car. "Not a second date, that's for sure." Abby responds making Owen playfully glare at her while she giggles slightly. Claire walk over and comes to a stop by the bike "Mr. Grady? I need you and your sister to come take a look at something." she tells Owen. "Why are you calling me Mr. Grady?" Owen asks. "Owen. If you're not too busy?" Claire asks. "I'm pretty busy." Owen responds making Abby roll her eyes slightly. "We have an attraction." Claire starts to explain. "That's not what you said the last time I saw you." Owen smirks. "The dinosaurs, Mr. Grady." Claire responds while Abby walks down the steps to join them. "Owen." he corrects. "A new species we've made." Claire continues. "You just went and made a new dinosaur?" Abby asks. "Yeah, it's uh kinda what we do here. The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you both." Claire tells them. "You want to consult here, or in my bungalow?" Owen asks her. "It's not funny." Claire retorts while Abby looks at her brother in disgust. "A little funny." Owen chuckles.

Claire sighs slightly "We would like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities." she explains. "Why us?" Owen asks. "I guess that Mr. Masrani thinks, since you are able to control the raptors..." Claire trails off. "See, it's all about control with you. I don't control the raptors, it's a relationship. It's based on mutual respect. Or in Abby's case, she's their mum. That's why you and I never had a second date." Owen tells her. "Excuse me, I never wanted a second date." Claire retorts. "Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?!" Owen asks in astonishment. "I am an organized person." Claire defends. "And what kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila?" Owen asks. "All of them." Abby and Claire say at the same time. "Well-" Owen starts. "And what kind of a man shows up to a date in boardshorts?" Claire asks. "It's Central America; it's hot." Owen responds making Abby nod in agreement. "Ok, ok. Can we just focus on the asset, please?" Claire asks them. "The asset? Look I get it. You're in charge out here, you gotta make a lot of tough decisions, it's probably easier to pretent these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. but they are not. They are alive." Abby tells her. "Oh, I am fully aware they're alive." Claire responds. "You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that. They're thinking: I gotta eat. I gotta hunt. I gotta... You can relate to at least one of those things, right?" Owen asks. "I'll be in the car. You might want to change your shirt, there very sensitive to smell." Claire remarks before going back to her car, Abby smiles and heads inside to change.

They come to a stop outside an inclosure which is still under construction, Owen and Abby look at the wall unconvinced "We've been pre-booking tickets for months

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They come to a stop outside an inclosure which is still under construction, Owen and Abby look at the wall unconvinced "We've been pre-booking tickets for months. The park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Kinda like the space program." Claire says as she walks over to the flight up steps leading up to the observation tower. Owen and Abby follow after her "Corporate felt genetic modification would up the 'wow' factor." Claire continues to explain. "They're dinosaurs. 'Wow' enough." Abby comments. "Not according to our focus groups. The Indominus rex makes us relevant again." Claire smirks. The two siblings chuckle slightly "The Indominus rex!" they say at the same time. "We needed something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a four year old try to say Archaeornithomimus." Claire retorts. "You should hear you try to say it..." Owen trails off as the three of them enter the observation room. The supervisor Nick sits at his desk on his lunch break while eating a sandwich, the three of them walk over to one of the windows to see dense jungle "What's this thing made of?" Abby asks. "The base genome is a T. rex, the rest is... classified." Claire responds. "You made a new dinosaur but you don't even know what it is?" Owen asked. "The lab delivers us new assets and we show them to public." Claire responds before turning to Nick "Can we drop a steer, please?" she asks, Nick presses a button on the screen.

"How long has the animal been in here?" Owen asks not relenting in the questions. "All its life." Claire says. "Never seen anything outside of these walls?" Abby asks incredulously. "We can't exactly walk it..." Claire trails off as a huge crane lowers a hunk of meat down from above. "And you feed it with that?" Owen asks her. "Is there a problem?" Claire asked bemused and slightly annoyed. "Animals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional." Abby starts to explain. "Your raptors are born in captivity..." Claire interrupts. "With siblings. They learn social skills. And I imprint on them when they're born. There's trust. The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. At least she knows that means food." Owen says increasingly concerned. "Besides they see me as their mother. I imprinted on them and stayed with them every hour of every day until they were four. Then I see them every day for twelve hours. Claire adopts a patronizing, sarcastic tone "So she needs a friend? We should schedule play dates? That sort of thing?" she asks. "Probably not a good idea." the siblings respond at the same time.

Noticing the dinosaur hasn't emerged from the jungle to eat Claire leans over and taps on the glass "Where is it...?" she asks. "What, is it in the basement? Is there a downstairs? Maybe it's in the rec room." Owen asks sarcastically. Claire shakes her head "It was just here. We were just here." she tells the siblings before going over to one of the thermal imaging consoles and activating it. It performs a scan of the jungle before making a buzzing sound and flashing NO THERMAL SIGNATURES DETECTED on the screen. Abby nudges Owen and shows him the wall at the end of the paddock "Oh, Shoot." he comments as they walk over to the end window. "That doesn't make any sense. These doors haven't been opened in weeks." Nick says. Owen points out the window "Were those claw marks always there?" he asks. Claire turns and walks over to the window to see what he's pointing at "You think it...?" she starts before realization hits her and she begins trembling "Oh, God!" she says before turning and starting to leave "She has an implant in her back! I can track it from the control room!" she explains. Abby and Owen watch her go before turning back and looking at the giant scratches running down the wall "What is this dinosaur made of?" she mutters.

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