"It all began in this town only."

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No, it is not another day yet.

It is still my first day in hell.

I am still in Virginia.

Let me correct myself. I am still sitting in Virginia's largest hotel's biggest suite's toilet seat.

Yeah, toilet seat. I know it's.....weird?

But I didn't have any other place. Ace is asleep on the comfortable bed, and I don't have any place else to crash. Okay, let me cut the crap - I am thinking, very hard. And this bathroom was the quietest place in this suite and also the view I am getting is awesome. I am dressed in my night wear, which consists of black yoga pants and an oversized T shirt.

Should I go?


"This is such a bad idea." I muttered to myself.

Nevertheless, I continued walking and as I looked back, I realized that I had left the hotel street. I was on my way to my destination at 1 in the morning. I had sneaked out of the suite successfully and managed to not wake Ace up, but that doesn't really explain the reason why  I am sweating. 

Maybe because it's July and I am in Virginia.

Or maybe because I just snuck out like a thief.

Or maybe because I am about to face the worst of my nightmares.

Reasons are many, solutions are none. Woah, nice one Eva.

Richmond(where I am right now aka where our hotel is) to Petersburg(My destination), is a journey of half an hour. I can't walk and go-

"What the hell are you doing here?" Came the deep voice, sending chills in my spine.

Damn it.

I turned around wishing that I was just hallucinating and he was not actually here - but wishes and me have a bad relationship. Thus when I turned around, I came face to face with Mr. Apathetic's frowning face.

"Uhh...just..just..snea-...I mean stuttering...no no..tak..ing..a walk..d.o..wn the road, I guess." I stuttered so badly. 

"Who goes for walking at one in the morning, huh?" He asked logically.

"Okay fine. I want to go to Petersburg now. Will you take me?" I asked irritated.

Please say no. Be your Mr. Apathetic-usual self. 

Please say no. Be your Mr. Apathetic-usual self.

Please say no. Be your Mr. Apathetic-usual self.

Please say no. Be your Mr. Apat-

"Fine, Wait. I will get my fucking car." He said gritting his teeth.

"Fuck you." I shouted pulling my hear. 

Ace looked at me in surprise, opened his mouth and closed it - unable to say anything, and then shook his head in disbelief.

"Crazy." He muttered and turned around walking back towards the hotel, I assume to get the car.

"Did he follow me?" I muttered to myself standing in the middle of the deserted street. I might be about three or four minutes away from the hotel. 

"What would I say if he asks Why I want to go there?" I asked to myself.

After five minutes of waiting and overthinking, I saw a black Audi coming towards me. I didn't have to think twice before knowing that it was Ace only. I climbed onto the front seat and tied the seat belt, as soon as the car stopped. I opened the window of the car as I sniffed the fresh air which was flipping and un-flipping my open hair. I sighed in relaxation as I rested my head on my arms which was resting on the open  window.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now