"No fears, no worries, no pasts-nothing but serenity."

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Eva's P.O.V

At last I am able to understand why Mr. Apathetic came here with me. He had planned this before hand only. He is trying to murder me, like seriously.

I  think this is the perfect time to write a going-to-be murdered note, because I don't know if I will be able to survive for more than 2 minutes if not less.

"I think I am gonna be brutally murdered, please help me." I muttered to myself.

"Shut up and follow me." Mr. Apathetic's shouting made me shiver.

This is the first thing he has said to me since last night, the night when I visited my mother's grave for the first time, with Ace beside. But this is not Ace with me right now - it's Mr. Apathetic.

"But you are going to kill me." I said in a low voice as I followed him to god knows where. I have been following him since the last five minutes, but this corridor isn't ready to end. Thank god, it is not dark else it would have been pretty obvious that he is taking me to kill me.

"Hell I am." He said maliciously.

"But I didn't do anything." I said meekly.

"Yeah nothing, except for ruining my fucking life." He said.

"Well do you want to fuck life? Are you sure it has a vagina? I mean you are straight right? Then I think you need to ask life if it has a -" I was cut short by a hand pinning me to the nearest wall.


"Can you keep your mouth shut for a little while? I am fed up with your idiotic talks. I swear that if you speak anything for the next one hour, I am literally going to strangle you to death." He said as he looked straight into my eyes while one of his hand held both of my hands behind my back. Well, his other hand was busy pointing a threatening finger at me.

I was suddenly feeling hot, not the physical but the heat hot.

His proximity affects me so much that I can't even explain. I don't even know why the hell it happens. It's not like he makes me uncomfortable(mostly) but he definitely makes me tie my tongue up like hell. I tried maintaining my normal breathing but of course my respiratory system decided to work against me which is ironic since it's my body and it should listen to me. 

I nodded my head, understanding his threaten as he left me and started walking again like nothing happened.

He really needs a doctor, or to be more specific - a psychiatrist.

I sighed and breathed finally and after composing myself, I started following him. First he was trying to murder me by showing me such a beautiful hotel in which we are. Now he is trying to murder me by strangling me.

Is he the Jennifer Blake/Julia Baccari/Darach of my life who is going to kill me by slashing my throat or something?


I shook  my head as I tried to clear my head of the idiotic thoughts. I need to calm down, I am just thinking too much due to my recent visit to Virginia, my worst nightmare.


The room was as beautiful as anything could ever be. It was huge and painted in white which gave a sense of peace and silence - and I loved it. The bed was as soft as anybody could ever imagine which is why I jumped on it as soon as I set my foot in the room. Ace was sitting across the room, on the recliner doing something in his laptop. He had told me that he had a meeting at 2 in the afternoon and that it would over by 4. He also told me that 'we' are going to a beach party in the evening so I should be ready by 6pm. 

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