"I really hate this f- word."

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I stood transfixed at my place as I tried to process what just happened. I feel happy to know that Ace trusted me enough to tell me about such a rough night. I never thought that this could happen in this lifetime, but it did. I don't need him to tell me that he trusts me because I know he does. The fact that he just shared with me his worst nightmare, is a symbol of our developing relationship. 

But with this happiness comes the crashing pain of knowing what happened to Ace's parents. But I still couldn't digest that John could do all that. I just never thought that he could be so...evil and dark.

And I was just trying to talk some sense into him for wanting vengeance so badly. My heart falls thinking how could John be so heartless that he did such things to the Parker family when he was a part of it?

And the saddest part is that an unborn child got stuck into all these complicated things and never got a chance to see this world. Lydia's unborn child was thrown into oblivion and all that happened even though he or she was not at fault. I couldn't imagine the emotions Ace must have gone through when he learnt that his sister or brother didn't even get to see it's mother, father, sister and brother. Instead it lost it's life amidst all the sadness that surrounded Ace's mother Lydia. 

How great would it have been for Ace and Jennifer to have a little sister or brother to love? Could that have changed how Ace is today? Could it be possible that the presence of that baby would have stopped Ace from holding so much of hatred?


But the despair and sorrow of his mother leaving him would have never left him even then. And Jennifer? How will I face her after knowing all this? Should I talk to her about all of this when I actually meet her day after tomorrow?

And tomorrow? 

Isn't that the last day I have with Ace alone? The last day of our 'honeymoon'....

And do you what's the last place? It's the city of Love - Paris.

Yeah, I wasn't supposed to know that but yesterday when I saw the papers on the table that Ace had left because of our delayed flight - I saw the last day's destination written on the ticket sort of thing. It was Paris.

Ace still doesn't know that I know this. I mean who would tell the devil that I peeked into his personal papers? 

Of course not me.

But where is Ace? I should I have consoled him and comforted him when he told me about his parents but instead I went down shouting at him. I was so silly picking up on small things like our contract marriage. I mean everyone knows that he married me for the company and I now I understand why it was so important for him. I shouldn't have bombarded him with questions like I did. I should have let him calm down and relax.

Stupid me. 

I looked around to see that there was no one in sight. And it was quite expected because this was a private suite. But the growing chillness around due to the onset of the night, was forcing me to go inside and eat something hot. Maybe barbeque? Or pizza? Or something hot and spicy? 

The thought of food was enough to make my mouth water. My imagination kicked in as pictures of delicious foods started forming in front of my eyes. 

I started advancing towards the resort with my head swirling with all the things that happened in the last hour. In the course of this, I didn't notice the footsteps behind me until it was too late. Before I could turn and see who was suddenly present in the deserted area, a sharp and painful stinging sensation enveloped my senses and something was injected into my left arm. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't help myself, I was blindfolded as darkness surrounded me. It was so fast that I lost consciousness before I could start screaming for help.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant